Bro. Sanchez


With a passion for unlocking the minds of the masses, I have built a thriving online community centered around the power of syncretism and critical thinking. Through my engaging content, I aim to ignite the spark of curiosity in individuals from all walks of life. From tackling complex societal issues to exploring fascinating ancient discoveries, my goal is to inspire you to question, analyze, and expand your understanding of the world. HTTPS://WWW.BROSANCHEZ.COM

Mártin Sánchez


MÁRTIN SÁNCHEZ (pronunciación inglesa, como Dean MARTIN o MARTIN Scorsese) artista mordaz e irreverente donde los haya, es uno de los pocos cantantes de Rock contemporaneos que se atreven a hablar claro y sin ambages, manteniendo una postura crítica y transparente, ante prensa y público. Mártin re-define el concepto crooner aportando un aire más after-punk-Rock, sin perder un ápice de elegancia y utilizando el castellano como lengua base de su repertorio. Actor, cantante y compositor, Joe Strummer, Morrissey, Nick Lowe, Chris Isaak o Willy Deville son algunos de sus referentes más directos.

Ends of the Earth Gospel and Scripture Ministry


From the ends of the earth, we aim to evangelize with the gospel preaching return to God's original intent for mankind to have the right relationship with Him through Yeshua (Salvation). The focus will be upon teaching all scripture and keeping what is written in scripture, to include in the first five books. The Polynesian Triangle is the ends of the earth from Jerusalem and we want to preach to others to prepare a straight path to follow God to prepare the ministry of the Messianic believers of the 12 tribes of Israel to bring the word of Salvation around the world and until the ends of the earth per Isaiah 49:6.