Survivals skills: From Bangkok to Anywhere


Welcome to daily life channel. You know, we are living in a modern society where technology is a major concern for our social life. In this channel you will see the most exciting living you have ever known. I will show you life skills and skills such as finding food for life and survival skills in the forest. I'm not a wild person, but I like these natural lives, and every activity in every video is just that, which does not pose a danger to me, as we are very well prepared. Please subscribe to the original channel to get those great videos.

Destination Anywhere

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Destination Anywhere is an Entertainment Site that journeys on the path of travel not only physically but also mentally. Explore with us ideas to get out of the norm and adventure in the new and maybe old places you may have overlooked in the past. Think of new ideas to overcome the creatures of habits we are. Learn new DIY projects from start to finish and review some new products we come across. Join us on our spontaneous adventures of breaking the everyday habit of doing nothing at home. #cdacouch #destaway