PimplePopper Spa & blackheads removal


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Odetta Rockhead Kerr Verified


A results-driven, innovative, tech-savvy leader with 25 years of experience and a perennial record of success in people management, startups, business development, and driving implementation strategies that have led to increased profitability and growth. Expert presenter, astute marketer, strategic thinker, and confident team leader with documented strengths in forging strong, sustainable professional relationships and inspiring staff members to consistently exceed expectations. An emotionally intelligent self-aware change agent with advanced problem-solving and cross-cultural communication skills who prioritizes staff members' personal and professional growth and development. Having been promoted to the role of vice president in a US Fortune 500 company at age 25 despite being a college dropout who didn’t graduate high school and who was pregnant twice by age 17, I am committed to helping others to be the best version of themselves as they defy odds to achieve their full potential. I do so with my book ‘No Regrets, Just Lessons: Odetta Rockhead, UNEDITED’, which is a disarmingly honest, gut-wrenching, tear-jerking self-help memoir focused on changing lives by changing mindset. I am also the Founder and CEO of GOFFAH (Gift of Financial Freedom and Hope), which is the first e-commerce platform of its kind and Vanquish Consultancy. I am also a speaker and a mindset coach.