The [PSY OP] Cypher Verified


[ I.C.O.N.S. ] OFFICIAL AFFILIATE Unique, Independent PODCAST that brings Truth, Exposure, Journalistic Integrity, Deciphering 5th Generation/Irregular Warfare, ICONS AFFILIATE/REPRESENTATIVE, Anon, Seeker of Knowledge, Q 17, Discussing an array of topics (not limited to Politics or Geopolitics), Bringing a Sense of HUMOR during this Spiritual War of 9 years. Interviewing incredible humans & finding ways to express SOURCE [ GOD, CHRIST, YESHUA,JESUS ] while we ASCEND into 5D as the world prepares for the GREATEST SHOW EVER as WE SHIFT INTO THE NEW WORLD!

Full Spectrum Universe Verified


WELCOME TO THE MOVEMENT!! Full Spectrum Universe is a place where we explore the internal and potential of all of humanity. There are infinite paths to source, but one road leads to internalization. We the forever students investigate all that is or was and will be. Topics of interest Ancestral Knowledge, Ancient Civilizations, Esoteric or Occult investigations, Contact or UFO and UAP encounters, Histories of all types, Truth-Seeker, Conspiracies and Spirituality. Shinning the light onto some of the darkest corners to expose truths. THE INFORMATION IS THE ACTIVATION WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Remember I am with all of you always..