Small Frog


Small frog risk management New to League of legends. I will play one jungler per A-Z. Schedule and W/L: Amumu x 0-3 Brair x 0-3 Diana x 3-0 Evelynn x 3-0 Fiddlesocks x 0-0 Graves x 0 -3 Hecarim x 1 - 2 Ivern x 0 - 3 Jarvan 4 x 1 - 2 Kindred x 2 - 1 Lee Sin x 1 - 2 Master Yi x 3 - 0 Nunu x 1 - 2 Ramus x 1 - 2 Shyvana 3 - 0 Taliyah 0 - 3 Udur 3 - 0 Viego 2 - 1 Wukong 2- 1 Xin Zhao 1 -2 Zac 1 - 2 First round is now done! I'd like to do one more round so I have played all junglers, We'll see about that.

The Boiled Frog


The Boiled Frog is not a conservative movement, it's a common sense movement. America is a Christian Nation and needs to get back to God's way. The radical left globalists have established a global elitist cabal by infiltrating EVERY level of government. The radical left globalist satanists are anti Christian (because GOD'S power is the only thing they fear) and want to get rid of Christianity and its Christian warriors. Rex and Chip are dedicated to calling out and exposing the RADICAL COMMUNIST SATANIST GLOBALIST LEFT. They are coming for all of us but we will stand in their way. Rex and Chip can't sit by any longer so with the power of God's Word in one hand and his RIGHTEOUS shield in the other we WILL expose and defeat the radical left. Join the common sense revolution and help build GOD's kingdom here on earth with Rex and Chip. All you have to do is like, subscribe, share and ring that bell like Isaiah! GOD BLESS THE USA

Two Frogs Unscripted


The end of homelessnessness is the beginning of civilization. Money is evil because it doesn't work. You know them by their fruits. Solutions end problems. Truth leads to solutions. Truth and solutions found here. /// Attributions for royalty free music used are given during the show. Attributions for homeless "HORROR" image that is right half of backsplash and/or shown during show: