This channel supports open and uncensored discussions welcoming all opinions even the critical ones. While I won’t moderate or remove comments, please remember that rumble’s policies may still impact certain language. (My "rumble" Channel Link Is: "https://rumble.com/c/c-6758805") (My "TikTok" Channel Link Is: "https://www.tiktok.com/@el_doradoes") My Main "YouTube" Channel is the following. EL DORADOES @EL-DORADOES https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGamingSpicyNachoDoritosBag My "YouTube" Channels meant for After or Before and After I die are the following. EL DORADOES 56 RADIO @EL_DORADOES_56_RADIO https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtpOHZXf4m8lFkcX1ku4ulQ EL DORADOES REVIVED @EL_DORADOES_REVIVED https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYP03IawmOoPAExJTlrQQ My Talk Show Phone Number Is "+1-(657)-234-5531" To contact me for any comments, questions, fandom, comments meant for only my talk radio or concerns please email me at "56EL56DORADOES56@gmail.com".