North Idaho Nomads


We are building an off grid cabin in remote North Idaho by ourselves! We don't have experience building but we are determined to make our 5 acre parcel a self sustainable homestead. We are doing this while working full time, paying off a mortgage and having 'real life' responsibilities. If we can do this - so can you!! Subscribe and follow along as we transform our property into an off grid escape from this crazy world! If you are seeking the most up to date video from us - go check out our YouTube channel under the same name! We are working to upload all of our videos over to Rumble!

MedizinStein - Honora Zen Kloster


ZEN makes mind its foundation and no-gate its gate. Now, how do you pass through this no-gate? It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end. However, such a saying is already raising waves when there is no wind. It is cutting unblemished skin. As for those who try to understand through other people`s words, they are striking the moon with a stick; scratching a shoe, whereas it is the foot that itches. What concern have they with the truth? A man of determination will unflinchingly push his way straight forward, regardless of all dangers. Then even the devil cannot hinder him. Even all the holy and wise ones from the east and west would beg for their lives. If one has no determination, then it will be like catching a glimpse of a horse galloping past a window; in the twinkling of an eye it will be gone. #zen #meditation #logos

Mercado Lusófono

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Juntos, vamos escrever a história da lusofonia, uma voz de cada vez. Acreditamos que cada podcast, programa ou evento deve ser uma obra-prima e nos esforçamos incansavelmente para alcançar isso. Trabalhamos lado a lado com criadores, patrocinadores e seguidores para construir algo que realmente importa. Seja ouvindo nossos podcasts, patrocinando nosso conteúdo ou participando dos nossos eventos, você faz parte de algo incrível! Junte-se a nós nesta jornada de descoberta, inspiração e comunidade.