Truth Mafia


Welcome to Truth Mafia! I am Tommy Truthful, the fearless leader of this organization. Truth Mafia ( is a powerful collective of content creators who join forces to uncover the nefarious web of deception woven by the Elites. Let me introduce you to our incredible team: Doenut Factory, the underboss; Ani, the strategic advisor; Capo Paranoia American, host of the captivating Juan on Juan podcast. Together, we have an army of dedicated soldiers spreading the message of truth far and wide. Join the ranks of the Truth Mafia today at and help us raise the frequency of truth!

Mike Licona


FOR THINKERS & DOUBTERS: Bridging the gap between scholar and layperson, providing authentic answers to the most important questions about Jesus. Do you ever struggle with doubt? My desire to discover truth and follow it has taken me on a journey during which I’ve earned a PhD in New Testament Studies, publicly debated some of the world’s leading critics of Christianity, and written some of the foremost scholarly treatments on the resurrection of Jesus and Gospel differences. I’m committed to discovering and following what I believe to be true. I still have many questions. But I’m confident that some of my conclusions can benefit you on YOUR journey. So, hit the subscribe button and turn the notifications on so you won’t miss any content.

You've Been Coronaized!

38 Followers - Educating the World on the attempted Takeover of the Human Cell and the end of Humanity as We Know It. With the advent of the full articulation of nanotechnology combined with extraordinary advances in human genomics, DNA and RNA sequencing, and artificial intelligence has created the greatest risk to humanity since the creation of the hydrogen bomb. Mission - Releasing essential COVID-19 Information to fight medical tyranny: COVID-19 has two main meanings. The first meaning or significance to the term "COVID-19" is the meaning ascribed for the overall plan for complete domination and control of the human race and all functions of life on this planet, meaning the entire farce named as a pandemic was intended to conquer not only the world, but the human body itself. The second meaning of "COVID-19" is the actual synthetic virus, and all the technology developed from it, including the spike protein inducing injections called "vaccines" that serve as the vehicle and platform for the takeover of the human body. This mostly consists of the introduction of nanotechnology into the human body that does two main things: (1) set up an interface on every human cell, including neurons, using the molecular machine of the spike protein of Sars-Cov-2 and (2) introduce other nanotechnology to interact with the cells, including nanobots, nanotranducers, and other self forming biostructures, for control of the human body. It is clear, from the analysis of not only this author, but many others studying this takeover, that the COVID-19 deception, operation, and plan had, at its very core, the aim of conquering every aspect of human life, not just the outside life of humans, i.e., economics, society, etc., but the "inside life" of the processes and functions of the human body. To understand this plan one needs to read, analyze, and project through supposition, intuition, logic, and reasoning the work of Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, and Ray Kurzweil, and other so-called luminaries like them, as noted and analyzed further in the sections of this website called Eugenicist Transhumanists in Our Midst and The Technocrats, Their Methods, and Systems of Control, to understand the scope, methodologies, and modalities of what they seek to achieve, their stated goals, and what they state is to come. Through this tortured, horrific, and psychopathic infrastructure set forth in their work you will start to see the underpinnings, in science, medicine, and technology that now allow these nightmares to become palatable threats to the human race. Based on this author's research, "COVID-19" was not only the overall plan, but also the catalyst for the plan in that the plan's name is also the name of the molecular machine that allows the human body to be impregnated, monitored, and eventually fully controlled. That being said, not all can be controlled and the plan and its technology is not fully formed. This is why many have died. This itself, the death of millions in the process of gaining full control of this planet and its inhabitants, including all plant and animal life, is part of the plan. But for those that die in the process, one must ask is their fate as bad as those who live through this to be enslaved in the dystopian nightmare of complete enslavement and control as planned by the technocratic elite. This site poses this very question and asks why we as a race would allow ourselves to be enslaved. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!

The Italian Way - Art & Lifestyles Journeys


An iconic video magazine created by Simona Cochi, an Italian journalist and international ambassador based in Milan. Simona unveils the exclusive features of the most relevant events about Art, Lifestyle, Design, Fashion, and more. Art interviews are one of the keys to be seduced by "The Italian Way" project. The creative gesture of "direct capture" (the camera like a brush) blends different and transversal elements and draws on the visual heritage, the digital, the sound in a field with still unexplored possibilities but which has the characteristics of a 21st-century Surrealism. This editorial project has been conceived on Simona return after a year and a half of work and research in different European capital cities and iconic outposts. Simona Cochi can claim international working experiences and an academic track record. In 2018, during her experience as a video blogger in Vienna's museums, her definitive inspiration for surrealism was ignited through the work on the Man Ray's show at the Kunstforum. Further creativity and motivation have been enhanced thanks to the researches on Sigmund Freud, the other eminent Austrian's figure with significant traces of his life and works in Vienna. The video journey started as "The Austrian Way" inside the magnificent art shows in the capital city: Monet, Picasso, Gustav Klimt, Keith Hearing, Florentina Pakosta, and more. The beauty of a work resides in its visionary strength, in its celebratory capacity, in the alienating effect it arouses and this is what the spontaneity of the author often manages to convey. The creative gesture of "direct capture" (the camera like a brush) blends different and transversal elements and draws on the visual heritage, the digital, the sound in a field with still unexplored possibilities but which has the characteristics of a 21st-century Surrealism.

Corona & Vaccins


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