Life In Bamboo - Thailand


Hi everyone, welcome to our YouTube channel, we are a loving family that live in Bamboo Huts in Rural Thailand. Damo (me), Ryan (my husband), and Otis (Our Son) spend our days taking care of the land and the animals and enjoying each others company. ​ We have opted for a simpler lifestyle, and living in "The Now". On the vlog we will show you what it is like to live in Rural Thailand, details on plants we grow on our land, and most importantly our honest and authentic selves, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Family Life International


Family Life International (FLI) is an international partnership of Catholics working to promote and defend the sanctity of Life and to restore and maintain the pre-eminence of the traditional family as paramount in God’s plan. It is well known that wherever children are welcomed in an environment replete with the blessings of love, truth and lifelong commitment, a Culture of Life is born. FLI, therefore, works to build strong families and to protect the life and human dignity not only of the unborn child but, also, that of the elderly and of the vulnerable. For more information visit:

Live Life in the Spirit


Join us, Pastor Penny Schulz and Kristen Scharrenberg, adventurers through the holy lands and warriors in Christ, as we explore the fascinating, the weird, the difficult, and the obscure while unpacking the Bible. Come and see as we dig into spiritual warfare and the fallen realm, aliens and UFOs, the Nephilim or Rephaim, prophecy, angels, giants and so much more! We promise to bring you joy, hope, inspiration, and intriguing, out-of-the box thinking, and ultimately salvation through Jesus Christ.



I am a believer in Jesus Christ,An Ambassador for the Woman In Christ,A missionary,A mom and a heathcare provider living currently living in Canada but alway on the road for mission work,In this plateform,i will be sharing with you the Word of encouragement,the gospel,prayer,my Testimonies and victories and struggles my mission trips,my hobbies and passion like gardening and cooking,and many other fun stuff,so please you are welcome to subscribe and share my videos in this channel,God bless you,I have another channel on youtube called Treasures of Christ TV, I will be sharing with you my



Just a couple of kids at heart who have decided to take a massive leap outside our comfort zone by starting this channel. Probably something we should've done about 10 years ago when our kids were babies and our current hobby farm was untouched from 1955, but alas, here we are now! We created this channel to document how blessed, and awesome *we think* our life is. All things outdoors, adventuring, hobby farming, funny animals, clean and organic cooking, gardening, home renovations and DIY's. We hope you'll follow along... and if you can't learn from us, at least you can laugh with us.

A Dirt Cheap Life in Paraguay


Want to know what it's like to live in Paraguay?🤔 In October 2022 we left our home in New Zealand to embark on a journey to find a new place to live! Sadly our ‘slice of paradise’ was changing. We no longer felt like we could pursue our lifestyle dreams in NZ. Our first stop was Guatemala. From there we travelled down through El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica looking for a place to call home. Then we heard great things about Paraguay and decided it was worth looking in to. We love it here but like any new country it takes time to get settled and get the basics organised - especially when you don't speak fluent Spanish.😬 Join us for the adventure & lots of information about our new home in Paraguay! Blessings The Neilsens ❤️

Life Insurance Magic- How to Make it Work for You


No more worrying if you are paying too much. Or if you have enough coverage. Or even if you have the right products. You can finally feel comfortable and confident about your life insurance coverage.I have spent most of my life in the life insurance business. I grew up in my father’s general agency, and have been selling the product full-time for over 30 years. I know that life insurance is a Magical financial product: It keeps families safe and secure. It protects businesses from severe disruption and devastating losses. It preserves estate assets. It infuses charities with cash. It creates wealth – with tax advantages and strong guarantees. But most men and women I meet don’t know that. That’s going to change 🙂.

We've made it easy and convenient for you to get a quote and apply for coverage online all in one place. ​


Helping people protect their families from financial disasters in the future with Life Insurance, Final Expense Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Dental & Vision insurance. Here is a message from our owner and founding agent at Rich-Life Insurance: For a long time, I’ve been helping people protect their families. During that time, I've learned that it’s getting more and more difficult for me to continue doing business the traditional way. These days convenience is a priority in most people's lives and between work and home, there's no time to spare. That's why I created Rich-Life Insurance. To provide a convenient and simple way to get the coverage you need all in one place. Whether you're sitting on your couch or scrolling on your phone, we're at your fingertips. Experience the difference at Rich-life Insurance. Let us help you save time and get a great rate on the coverage you need, so you can gain peace of mind knowing your family is protected from financial burdens in the future.