Canal Umbanda Brasil - Luz, Caridade e Amor.


Canal Umbanda Brasil - Luz, Caridade e Amor. A Umbanda é uma religião brasileira que combina vários elementos das religiões africana, indígena e cristã, mas não é definida por elas. Fundada no início do século 20 na cidade de São Gonçalo, região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro no sudeste do Brasil, em conjunto com movimentos religiosos como Candomblé, Catolicismo e Espiritismo. É considerada uma "religião brasileira proeminente" que combina o catolicismo, as tradições africanas de Orissa e a espiritualidade indígena. O dia 15 de novembro é visto pelos torcedores como a data do surgimento da Umbanda, e entrou em vigor no Brasil em 18 de maio de 2012 pela Lei 12.644. Em 8 de novembro de 2016, Umbanda foi inscrita na Lista do Patrimônio Imaterial do Rio de Janeiro por decreto, após pesquisa do Instituto do Patrimônio Humanitário do Rio de Janeiro (IRPH).

Northeast Georgia Republican Candidate Forum (NRCF 2022)


Save the Date! Mark your Calendars! We invite you to the 2022 Northeast GA Republican Candidate Forum (2022NRCF) taking place April 2nd @ the Gainesville Civic Center. The goal is to EDUCATE, ENERGIZE and ENGAGE voters for the coming Primary Election. At this Republican event, Statewide Executive candidates (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Agriculture, Superintendent of Schools, US Senate, US House of Representatives (9th District), and State Legislature) will be given an opportunity to speak about their platform and answer specific questions presented by a moderator. This is "not a debate" but an opportunity for voters to meet and listen to the candidates discuss why they are the best person for the job. This event is presented to you by the Republican Women of Hall County (RWH) and the Republican Women of Forsyth County (RWFC) and a number of County Republican parties in Northeast Georgia; Hall County GOP, Jackson GOP, Cobb County GOP, Lumpkin GOP, Dawson GOP, Rabun GOP, Forsyth GOP, Stephens GOP and Franklin GOP. 📣Admission is Free📣

Sally Edwards - Libertarian Candidate for Parkes


Sally Edwards has spent her lifetime living and volunteering across rural and remote Australia. For the past 18 years Sally, her husband and family have farmed in the Warrumbungle region, they love life on the land and being a part of a rural community. Sally is a passionate advocate for Rural Australia – its people, its land and water, and to helping these communities survive, and hopefully thrive. Authorised by Sally Edwards, Libertarian Party, 2 Lyn Parade, Prestons NSW 2170