Novo Mundo 5D


Estamos passando por uma transição planetária da 3D para a 5D, e quem vibra com a nova dimensão (5D), com certeza vai vibrar com o conteúdo do canal! Se você busca autoconhecimento, lucidez, re-acesso a sua essência e a quem você realmente é para além deste corpo de carne, tenho certeza que aqui é o seu lugar, durante muito tempo quis expor e compartilhar todo o meu conhecimento, e agora é a hora. ☀️❤️‍🔥🔥 “Autoconhecimento é a chave pro poder infinito”

Escape The Matrix


"Escape the Matrix" is a channel dedicated to exploring and promoting conscious living and personal growth. We believe that life is more than what we see, and we aim to help you break free from the limiting beliefs and societal constructs that keep you trapped in the "matrix." Join us on our journey of self-discovery and awaken to the infinite potential that lies within. We'll cover topics ranging from spirituality, mindfulness, alternative perspectives, and beyond. Subscribe now and start your journey towards freedom and fulfillment.

Welcome to Vance Jochim's FiscalRangers Rumble Channel


We have provided local Lake County, FL political and government news of interest to conservatives, taxpayers and political followers since 2006. We provide various videos and articles about the 14 cities in Lake County, FL, plus the School District Board, County Board and other government agencies. We focus on fiscal watchdog issues and improving transparency of local government. Our original 400+ videos are on YouTube FiscalRangersFlorida which we may move to Rumble.