Michael Feyrer Jr Verified


Hi everyone! I am Michael. If you are looking for a channel brimming with information on how you can live stream to YouTube, or any other platform, you are in the right place. Tools, Tips and tricks that can really help you along your Youtube journey! Like the most comprehensive OBS Studio and live streaming tutorials anywhere on YouTube. OBS Studio, Streamlabs OBS, Melon, Restream IO, and StreamYard are some of the platforms with comprehensive reviews and tutorials you will find here. You will also see occasional content on editing, gear on a budget, live stream asset creation tools, and other topics that will make you a better creator. So sit back kick your feet up and enjoy!

Rafael Felipe - AlphaCripto


ANÁLISES, TUTORIAIS E OPERAÇÕES FINANCEIRAS DIÁRIAS AO VIVO DENTRO DO UNIVERSO CRIPTO (BITCOIN, ALTCOINS, DEFI, METAVERSO E GAMECOINS) S&P500, IBOVESPA E DAS PRINCIPAIS BOLSAS DE VALORES ESPALHADAS PELO MUNDO! Canal idealizado por um Advogado, Pós Graduado em Economia com Especialização em Blockchain Objetivo: Registro de Análises Gráficas e Fundamentalistas do Mercado Financeiro, com foco no Mercado de CriptoMoedas / CriptoAtivos / Ativos Digitais Aqui não tem mágica, não tem esquema, não tem pirâmide, apenas MUITO, MAS MUITO TRABALHO, ESTUDO, EMPENHO, DEDICAÇÃO E PAIXÃO POR ECONOMIA. ⚠ Atenção: As análises técnicas e fundamentadas comentadas neste canal são para fins de estudo e aprendizado. Não faço recomendações de compra ou venda, não faço indicação de investimentos. ⚠ NUNCA JAMAIS entre neste mercado sem estudo e/ou colocando um valor que lhe será necessário, principalmente no curto prazo.

Gospel Feast Books


It's time to feast upon the Word of God. You've had enough milk, it's time for a little meat. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is as rich and rewarding as you make it. Let's feast together! This podcast leans on the research and scholarship of Old World Historian and Eastern Thinking expert Reed R. Simonsen and his book and lecture series, "The Gospel Feast." Listeners are encouraged to ask questions which are answered every 7th episode. Come and Feast on the Word! GospelFeastBooks.com

Nancy Telfer ~ Spiritual & Wellness Coach


Nancy Telfer is a Dragon Resonance Healer, Quantum Light Coach and author of The Choice is YOURS. She shares different processes that you can implement in your life immediately! This life is about releasing what no longer serves you so that you can hold more LIGHT. When you are able to hold more LIGHT, you increase your frequency to be able to go to higher dimensions. Looking at life as if it is a video game and within the game is challenges to over come, Nancy assists the listeners to release whatever is causing resistance within the 'game'. Each level of this game of life has it's challenges and the higher you get the easier the challenges are to overcome. YOU have the power within you to transform your life. The processes offered on this channel unlocks the power you have always had. Together (your Soul & the Beings of LIGHT) the KEYCODES are called upon to unlock your true potential. Speaking Soul Language (Light Language) these KEYCODES will do the magic. Many blessings 🐉❤️🎶💫