The Cure for Chronic Disease


These videos detail my research that I conduct on chronic disease and the cures. My work over the past 15 years has shown that all chronic disease is caused by mineral deficiencies due to heavy metal toxicity, a poor diet including bad fats and parasitic overload including candida, viruses and pathogenic bacteria. This channel will be your go to source for information on all information on heavy metals and real cures for chronic disease. See my website for more information on my podcasts, articles, books and links to news about organic aquaculture.

Graphene Oxide and How It Gave Me Morgellons Disease ( Funk Around and Find Out )


Because I was deleted from YouTube almost immediately. Some videos are out of order. I uploaded them in the correct order, and no matter how many times I delete and re upload it still does it. Just another way the Matrix likes to fuck with me i guess 😂 This channel started out about frequencies. I started it to explain Rife Frequency Technology to the average civilian. I was going to cover how frequencies relate to manifestation, the matrix, souls, higher selves, aliens, God, and how they are used every day in the world around you, while the general population remains oblivious to the subject. Because of Events that have happened in my life, especially over the last year, I have uncovered the truth about a TRUE EVIL. Now I spend my limited time creating videos disclosing what I know about GRAPHENE and GRAPHENE OXIDE, aka the “BLACK GOO,” and how it has caused me to develop MORGELLONS DISEASE. This substance is THE BIGGEST THREAT TO HUMANITY, and it has taken precedence over absolutely everything else in my life. Nothing is the same as it was just a year ago. I talk about what GRAPHENE OXIDE is, why “They” want to impose it upon the human population, its painful effects, and how it has caused MORGELLONS DISEASE, among other symptoms. I explain how it is literally IN EVERYTHING. In the food, in the water, and in the beauty products that you consume daily. I provide physical PROOF. I show EVIDENCE, I cite research and I show you my experiments so you can see for yourself that GRAPHENE OXIDE is indeed in EVERYTHING. I show you how GRAPHENE OXIDE reacts to energy such as ( but not limited to ) Electro Magnetic Fields and 5G frequencies, because after all, this subject ( as well as everything else! ) is still closely related to frequencies I will talk about how to detox from this poison, and what you can do to try and limit your exposure to it. This Channel is for anyone who knows about the dangers of GRAPHENE OXIDE, those suffering from complications from the Vax, or who have developed mysterious unexplainable symptoms over the last few years, and of course everyone who is trying to rid the NanoTech from their blood. The Matrix does not want the the general public to know about this substance and what it is doing to you. This information is a strait up ATTACK ON THE MATRIX! This disclosure is my only way of fighting back. Since I am only one man, standing up to a nefarious Kabal with nearly unlimited resources and manpower If you do not understand my preceding statements, or seem confused by what I am talking about, I strongly urge you to TURN BACK NOW! Exit this page immediately. Go back to sleep. Enjoy the Matrix with the remaining time that you have got left in blissful ignorance. For those of you who remain… WELCOME TO MY RABBIT HOLE… IT’S DARK DOWN HERE…

Tarot Exegesis II


This channel is dedicated to the YouTube Tarotist community and to the contributors to the Early Christian Writings and Nag Hammadi websites. ________ In this channel I explore apocryphal Gospels and The Occult through experimental Tarot and Runic readings...while making historiography & theosophical / theological commentary. I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT claim any authority. I only am an ant in the forest, the voice of nobody in the wilderness. *** This Channel is dedicated, in Memoriam, to Benita La Bruja; the 16th Century Oracle of Seville and Marie Anne Lenormand; early 19th Century Parisian necromancer and fortune-teller. The two greatest Cartomancers who ever lived. *** /// THE OCCULT, ALCHEMY, NECROMANCY, TAROT & RUNE ORACLE HAVE NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS. ALL DIVINATION IS SUBJECTIVE AND CANNOT BE USED AS FACTUAL BASIS FOR MAKING DECISIONS. /// FOR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION TO EXIST FOR ALL, THE DEVIL MUST BE GRANTED FREE SPEECH. Disclaimer: Under United States, United Kingdom, Australian and Canadian copyright law I am allowed to quote material from purposes of informing, education or parody. Plagiarism means using someone else's work without giving them proper credit. In all my videos I cite the sources and provide links to the sources. I am primarily, but not exclusively, a reviewer of political and theological ideas / concepts, articles, films, TV series, Tarot decks, Occult arcane and books. My intention is to bring visibility to non-conformist content makers whose "voices in the wilderness" are ignored or marginalized in the so-called "mainstream" (specially as it relates to social revolutionary politics or heretical theology). # The objective of this channel is to serve as a platform for free expression based on Articles 18 & 19 of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Content in this channel is inspired by metamodern and post-metamodern aesthetics. My intended audience are religious & political non conformists and social outcasts - not the general public. Most viewers of this channel are anonymous. My intention is to encourage innovation in non-conformist tarotism concept development. In this channel I develop concepts for monetization and marketing. Since Rumble is a Free Speech platform; I also want to develop content for Rumble through the responsible exercise of articles 18, 19 and 20 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and advocacy for Articles 1, 2 & 5 of the U.S. Bill of Rights of 1791, Articles 10 and 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2012); as well as Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms / Charte canadienne des droits et libertés of 1982 covering "Fundamental freedoms": freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief & freedom of expression. Article 10 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance. (2.) The right to conscientious objection is recognized, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right. Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. (2.) The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected. Article 18 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 1948: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 1948: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. This channel does not feature paid promotion. ---- Channel Human Rights Disclaimer:

Exposure Of The Planned Disease Pandemics


As someone who has been aware of this New World Order plan for 35 years, the deep state has done so many horrific things to depopulate humanity. However, I believe that the Covid pandemic ("PLAN"demic by WEF) was the worst plan done by the deep state since the black plague. It was totally based on propagandized fear porn. Beginning with the mandates to force us to wear masks and stand six feet apart (this is part of satanic rituals) to scaring people that they were going to die if they refused the Covid bioweapon, to the mandatory lockdowns which led to suicides, the cognitive dissonance, to social issues for children, and our inability to be with our family and friends, this has to be the most evil act the deep state has done to We The People. Thank God, they didn't achieve their ultimate goal, which was to keep us locked down for ten years. Had President Trump not forced their hand by using Operation Warpspeed, via military vaccines, which were harmless, billions would have died instead of millions. Keep in mind that Trump did inform the public that Ivermectine and HCQ would cure Covid, which according to the 1987 Medical Journal is the common cold. The deep state had patents on the vaccine and Covid prior to the plandemic. The WEF warned that a plandemic was in our future. Doctors, nurses, scientists, patriots and Anons warned that it was dangerous, but were censored and many refused to listen to the truth. When Fauci stated, "I am science!" that alone should have concerned everyone. There was no peer-reviewed scientific data provided by NIH, CDC, Fauci, etc., yet people still believed them. The fear porn was astronomical, causing millions to be deceived. Scientists and health professionals are now exposing the "Plan"demic, specifically Covid 19. Many criticized those of us had tried to warn the masses that Covid itself was not killing people, but the Covid vaccine, actually a bioweapon, was disabling and murdering millions. We tried to tell everyone that they were being mislead about the pandemic, deep state puppets calling it conspiratorial, misinformation, and brainwashing. The Covid "PLAN"demic has now been proven that it was indeed being used for genocide. The Great Awakening may still be subject to debunking by fact-checkers, but in due time they may be held accountable for their deception if they voluntary played a role of deception and denial. Note that they didn't start with the Covid "PLAN"demic. There were many other plandemics forced upon the people to comply to the deep state depopulation agenda. This channel has videos that contains information regarding many horrific acts that the deep state has forced upon the world. Those who censored and lied to the world will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Expect a Nuremberg 2 in the future, because Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming (NCSWIS). Many of us who were fortunate enough to do our research and not feed into the fear porn learned of their diabolical plan before it happened. May God heal those who were injured and comfort those who lost loved ones. Stay vigilant Patriots. Pray for your whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10 and keep the faith. Be at peace, because the Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab:;;

Treatments for diabetes disease


Managing diabetes can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Our channel is dedicated to exploring alternative treatments for diabetes. Our team of experts provides information on natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications that can help you manage your diabetes and improve your overall health. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for years, join us as we share tips and insights to help you live a healthier life.

The Cure and The Cause of Autoimmune Diseases, by J King and Autoimmunity Europe


Here is the Eureka moment for the entire autoimmune world: J. King's book The Cure and The Cause of Autoimmune Diseases. 'No more mystery in the autoimmune world!! J King found the cause of the flaring of the autoimmune element!! He identified clear, yet very complex, psychological patterns involved in disease activation, and not only in its effects. New studies are backing up his research and are mentioned here. The book acts as a personal recovery trainer toward full health. A historical moment and a true blessing for all of us! After 13 years of Ankylosing Spondylitis prison, one of the +80 autoimmune conditions, J King won the fight against the disease with no cure in the classical hospitals of 2019 and concentrated in his books the EUREKA results of the tens of thousands of hours invested in discovering and changing the harmful behaviors that brought him to almost dying. His complete dedication to the subject and the deepness of his research led to observing similarities in the activation of autoimmune diseases. He includes here a condensed collection of analytics used in the findings, along with the set of instruments needed to address the root cause of the autoimmune element and not only the effects! A true blessing for the entire autoimmune spectrum! We are so grateful to be part of the journey!' MEDIA BOND elite publishers

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image.


The health care product is often loosely defined as a service. ... A bundle-of-elements concept is presented for the health care product. These conceptualizations help to address how health care providers can segment their market and position, promote, and price their products.

A well-balanced diet full of essential nutrients can help support a healthy life. However, people with deficiencies, certain diseases and conditions, or with evolving nutritional needs at different stages of life may consider dietary supplements to add mi


My personal weight loss journey of 45 pounds changed my life— it inspired me to start Love Sweat Fitness and begin this amazing journey of helping ALL women make healthy changes in their lives! I love sharing quick workouts, healthy routines, travel vlogs, real talk, how-to’s and easy meal ideas. New uploads twice per week. Subscribe to my Youtube channel to join Team LSF and improve your life with healthy habits that actually stick! Join over a million women using LSF workouts, challenges, healthy recipes, lifestyle tips and MORE! If you want to start to see amazing results like I did, download LSF The App on Apple or Android for effective workouts that you will actually have fun with and get results.

Parkinson's Disease Education


#parkinson #parkinsonsdisease #parkinsonseducation #parkinsonsawareness This channel is dedicated to helping Persons with Parkinson's Disease to become Parkinson's Warriors fighting their disease wielding the weapon of knowledge about PD and the impact that it has on daily living. Book 1:1 consultation with a Parkinson's Disease Expert here: Explore channel memberships here: YouTube: Patreon: Please be sure to give support to our channel sponsors: Comfort Linen: (15% off entire order when applying the code PARKINSONSDISEASEEDUCATION at checkout) Kizik Shoes: Orthofeet: If you have products that you would like for me to review on the channel please send them here: Parkinson's Disease Education P.O. Box 1678 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

Huntington's Disease Voice of Awareness


Welcome to HD Voice of Awareness, where we unite as a community to raise our voices against Huntington's Disease. Our channel is dedicated to spreading knowledge, fostering hope, and supporting individuals and families affected by this challenging condition. Join us on a journey of awareness, advocacy, and empowerment as we strive to positively impact the lives of those living with Huntington's Disease. Together, we can raise awareness, share stories of resilience, and build a brighter future for all. My only mission is to empower families who are afflicted with Huntington's Disease and to work to be able to provide financial, physical, emotional, and educational support in terms of caring for the needs of the family member who has been professionally diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease and who are now living within specific phases of the disease.

Fidicus Rare Disease


Specialty homeopathy treatment for rare diseases involves addressing conditions that affect a small percentage of the population. Orphan diseases reflect the lack of sufficient interest or financial incentives for the pharmaceutical industry to develop treatments for such diseases. Unique diseases are exceptionally rare or have distinctive characteristics not seen in other diseases. You have the highest chance of preventing, curing, or relieving these diseases at all the stages through safe, effective, and timely in-person and online treatments. In homeopathy, the mechanism of action for drugs is based on symptoms. A medicine is selected purely on the basis of the symptoms presented. Therefore, any disease with symptoms can potentially be treated with homeopathy. Whether it is a common cold or a rare cancer, if symptoms are present, homeopathy offers a treatment. However, this does not mean that every rare disease can be cured. Homeopathy may reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of symptoms, increase lifespan, prevent the disease, or even cure it in some cases. The effectiveness of treatment can only be determined over time. Identifying a disease and conducting lab or diagnostic tests are crucial for assessing the disease's progress and monitoring the direction of the treatment.

The Exegesis Scholar


Welcome to TheExegesisScholar, your go-to destination for enriching Christian content. Dive deep with us as we explore the Word of God through insightful Bible commentaries, delve into a myriad of topics surrounding the Scriptures, and grow together in our faith journey. Whether you're new to Christianity or seeking a deeper understanding, our channel is dedicated to illuminating the timeless truths and teachings of the Bible. Subscribe and join our community as we pursue wisdom, knowledge, and a closer relationship with God.

Fight for Health


Welcome to Diseases War, your ultimate health companion! 🏥 We're dedicated to empowering you with accurate and reliable information to take charge of your well-being. Our channel covers a wide range of health topics, from understanding diseases and their symptoms to exploring treatment options and preventive measures. 💡 From expert interviews to personal health stories, we'll bring you engaging and informative content to help you navigate the complex world of health. 📚 Whether you're looking to manage a chronic condition, improve your mental health, or simply live a healthier lifestyle, we've got you covered. 🌟 Subscribe to Diseases War and join the fight for a healthier tomorrow! 💪 #DiseasesWar #HealthChannel #WellnessWarriors #DiseasePrevention #HealthEducation #MedicalKnowledge #HealthyLiving #FitnessMotivation #NutritionTips #MentalHealthMatters