Bold Existence Ministries


Welcome to BOLD EXISTENCE Ministries 😊! Here you will find words of prophecy/encouragement/teaching, released as led by the Holy Spirit. Some words are for specific groups of people, others are for general. As with any prophetic words you hear or receive no matter the source, always take it into your “prayer closet” or “secret place” (where you spend time with God) and ask the Holy Spirit for confirmation to see whether a word is applicable to you and your situation. God provides the prophetic anointing to encourage people, to build them up, to bring them comfort, to teach and train them, to bring words of warning and correction. All of it points to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. 1 Corinthians 14:3-4 (NKJV) But he prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. Be blessed 😊! Adele Grobler (Founder of BOLD EXISTENCE)

Realistimo - Недвижими имоти: сделки с къщи, апартаменти земи и други.


Рубриката "Влогът на Реалиситмо" запознава купувачи и продавачи на недвижими имоти с важна информация за предстоящата сделка. Всичко - информация за документи, помощ при избор на брокер и агенция за недвижими имоти, съветници как да продадете и отдадете имоти без посредник, и други. Навлизаме и в подробности в теми като тежести на имоти, ценова оценка на жилища, чести грешки при имотни сделки и много други.

"There exists no Truth Higher than Truth.onion!", ~Reza G. #theindigoflame


(will change later ! need a WinOS VPN!??? ---> ) Seeeeew.... #Dorood. 1st things first ---> Title = Badge Request! Admin Access Needed ☓ 📛☓👁‍🗨 Beam Me Up as You Had Promised to! ✅ &.... My Request = make me a moderator. You know who I am. Thanks. check these links in case you don't Remember me from !!! ---> @bihan = 🆔 and... sorry guys! I haven't been on Discord at All Lately! I'm... Dying Here in Iran Alone and... Nevermind. Read : 📧---> <---📧 ---> it's Reza G.⚡Just Testing This Thing! it Works Good. Thanks! Follow me All Over The Internet. ---> <--- ---> <--- ---> <--- ---> <--- ☀-Note: --> just send me an SMS or Call Me Already : ---> || +989332220298 || +989157082678 || +989379077603 || <--- it's 8:26 PM 2024-09-22 +3:30 GMT Iran, Mashhad ✅☓✅ My Location ---> <--- this Video's Direct Link : ---> this Video's Embed Code (Y'all Better Learn These Kinda Stuff !) ---> <iframe class="rumble" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Here's #its Monetized Embed Code ---> <script>!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");</script> <div id="rumble_v5dn0ol"></div> <script> Rumble("play", {"video":"v5dn0ol","div":"rumble_v5dn0ol"});</script> I have to Repeat : Check All that Happened to me since April 16th till now on #Telegram ! Save Both ::: +989157082678 ☓ +989332220298 ✅ NOTE: if you want me to upload content here... just get out of my way ! I am nothing like what I used to be back then being the no.1 here ---> & all that ! You Cannot Stop Me Now. Don't Even Try to ! and I ask all friends to Follow Me and Stay in Touch !!!

Hospital Infantil de Londrina


Esse é um projeto de canal de Corte, que mostra pequenos trailers de vídeos incríveis e divulga os parceiros e links das versões completas, mostrando o melhor conteúdo lúdico do Youtube, desde mini cozinha, LEGO e ASMR. Toda a remuneração, direta ou indireta, gerada da iniciativa Anjos Existem é revertida para o Hospital melhorando o socorro às nossas crianças aumentando as chances de cura e uma vida mais saudável. Uma realização do Hospital Infantil Sagrada Família, que atende crianças em Londrina, no Paraná, Brasil. Descubra nossa missão, ouça famílias e assista produções realizadas pelos pequenos pacientes, influencers profissionais, equipe da saúde e muitos outros anjos que apoiam financeiramente o Hospital Quer fazer mais como criador de conteúdo? Junte-se ao canal Anjos Existem iniciando uma campanha de arrecadação de fundos com o botão ‘doar’ em seu próprio canal. Quando você assiste, se inscreve, curte e compartilha nossos vídeos, você faz a diferença para essas crianças.

Relive History - Delve into the fascinating crossroads of technology and storytelling, reviving enthralling historical tales through high-resolution, photo-realistic visuals.


Welcome to Prophetic Past! Here, we delve into the fascinating crossroads of technology and storytelling, reviving enthralling historical tales through high-resolution, photo-realistic visuals. We present a diverse array of content, spanning from gripping historical documentaries to contemporary incidents, featuring a myriad of genres and themes designed to keep you immersed and entertained. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or a connoisseur of rich storytelling, we extend a warm invitation for you to subscribe to our channel and embark on this enlightening journey with us. For any queries or collaborations, please reach out to