Albert Einstein was 100% wrong; The human mind does conceive the four dimensions.


In short, I believe I have built a model of Albert Einstein’s four dimensions and the math that goes with it. Please just watch this video: Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla four dimensions I have attached additional photos and links. If I am wrong, please say so. This are Freemason symbols. The six-pointed star (Jewish Star of David) is mathematically E = Mc² = 2πR = 2π/6; Dia. = 1, Cir. = 3 = π [Einstein\\\'s Law of General Relativity and 1st Dimension in Positive Infinity]. The 5-pointed star is 2π/5 (pentagram) or 2π/5 = 2π/6 = 2πR = E = Mc². The swastika is considered sacred in the native American’s Zia Pueblo, as it represents the father of their people. Almost all organized religions have the same sacred geometry/math. Caverna da Pedra Pintada (Painted Rock Cave (in Portuguese)), is an archaeological site in northern Brazil, with evidence of human presence dating ca. 11,200 years ago. On the wall of one cave there is a perfect 6-pointed star. Please prove my video is wrong.

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In this video You are watching, Must Watch New Funny Video 2020 Top New Comedy Video 2020 Try To Not Laugh Episode 134 By MahaFunTv If We have any mistake. please comment and tell us, what is our mistake? We will try to solve this mistake next. please watch our videos and give us confidence to trying best. Thank you for watching this video. This video contains are shooting at That place at Niamatpur, Naogaon, Rajshahi Hello Dear Viewers, We make this video with some fail funny videos and mixed some comedy videos . This is Funny Village Videos our most of the funny videos are making with stupid think and boys stupidity . this video made without any scripting. but we all time make video with scripting. Director - Mithon Script Writer - Mithon & Mizanur Producer - Mithon Camera Man - Mithon Editor - Nasim Actors - Mithon, Mizanur, Shahin, DJ Jejar, This is a funny videos channel. We make funny videos in our village.Because We are live in village. All videos are shoot in village side. some time we make prank with public and our friends. In this year we make some stupid type videos, if you watch those videos, i will challenge you you can\'t stop your laugh. Some time we are making some funny video clips with our friends. and some time make pranks with public. Now we are trying to make best funny and pranks videos but we have also some mistake yet This video are no any kind of risk. This video are totally acting no risk no Dangerous act no physical harm or death its ok for Viewers.

The Jeffrey Epsteins


The Jeffrey Epsteins met at a Halloween party in Canada in 1994, where they were introduced by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. They are all extremely racist. Unfortunately, none of the Jeffrey Epsteins were intelligent enough to complete the third grade. They are all completely illiterate, unable to read or write. The Jeffrey Epsteins contracted Coronavirus in June of 2020, which they attempted to treat by drinking fish tank cleaner. Unfortunately, this led to the loss of their original bassist, Mark. RIP Mark. In their spare time, the Jeffrey Epsteins enjoy throwing rocks at disabled children. Last week, they pushed a woman in a hijab down a hill and then high-fived each other.