OutdoorChannelTV Verified


At Outdoor Channel, we connect our viewers to the great outdoors. As the first cable/satellite network devoted exclusively to the outdoor lifestyle, we serve the millions of Americans who are passionate hunters, anglers, recreational shooters, and adventure seekers. Through our unique lineup of cutting-edge culinary influencers, we celebrate the field-to-fork movement that features fresh fish and game. Our best-in-class programming provides excitement, insight, expertise, and pure inspiration to our loyal viewers. We invite you to Find Your Adventure on Outdoor Channel.

Bombproof Bushcraft


Bombproof Bushcraft is a fun channel that passes along knowledge about being outside in nature, camping, hiking, primitive skills, making your own equipment, living self reliant, blacksmithing...you get the idea. We also dabble with interviews of famous folks in the bushcraft industry and cover events and gatherings. Don\'t check out of the video early as there is the funny side of bushcraft videos designed to leave you with a smile on your face and a belly full of laughter.

The Big Empty


Join Maj0r T0m Saturdays at 10pm EST and be reminded how everything you know is a lie. Donate 3$TTS: https://streamlabs.com/Maj0r_T0m BUY MY SHIRTS!: https://teespring.com/stores/big-empt.. . Also Streaming on Dlive and Trovo: https://dlive.tv/Maj0r_T0m https://trovo.live/Maj0r_T0m Backup Replays : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/the_.. . twitter: https://twitter.com/big_emtee Gab: https://gab.com/Big_emtee Email: thebigemtee@gmail.com I also cohost midnight movies and saturday cartoons with joy of pesi! you can find that here: @MidnightRiffParty Contact thebigemtee@gmail.com

Outdoor Therapy


Hello, My name is Michael Nielsen. I created Outdoor Therapy as a passion project - to help you relax, unwind, study and sleep better. Outdoor Therapy (also called Nature Therapy, Forest Therapy, Ecotherapy, and Forest Bathing / Shinrin-yoku (森林浴) originated in Japan in the 1980's and is known to be very beneficial for Mental Health. My many years of Videography and Photography experience combined with my Wife's 20 years in the Mental Health field as a Therapist make this channel a kind of natural culmination of our combined interests and expertise. I hope you get some benefit from these videos, and please feel free to reach out with any questions, requests or suggestions. Be Well, Michael