

I've struggled through life's ups and downs. I want to use the knowledge I've gained through the various mistakes and victories I've had throughout the years to help people reach their full potential as I believe the worst crime you can commit upon yourself is ignoring your potential, good luck! For a bit of extra background, I've been in love 4 times, I've been an alcoholic, I've worked every 9 - 5 job you can imagine, I've tried many business ideas, I've been heartbroken, I've been depressed/anxious, I've been happy, I've been sad, I've been ok, I've traveled, I've lost people, I've made money, I've lost money. I have a lot to work with, if I can help even one person I'll be happy. Dr Nobody x

Hugo Nobre


AwakeTake is where internet marketers turn to develop their online business and skills further. My channel is all about helping you find solutions that can scale your business to the next level and also giving some actionable ideas for newcomers to make some startup cash online (including crypto). Occasionally you may also find videos where I discuss some marketing ideas of a more academic nature that can also be applied to online businesses. Terms such as SEO, Content Marketing, Media Buying, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, and Copywriting are also no strangers to this channel. Whether you are a newbie or a professional in your online craft you can come and easily find something to help you out or even make your tasks less time-consuming. If that's something you would like to see consider subscribing!