Star Ranger


In May 2023, on a Sunday, youtube had decided that I was no longer to be in existence because of my music videos. Labeling them as a threat to some unknown and apparently psycho community. I had my channel there for decades. Never bothered anyone, and just did my own thing. But the evil of youtube wants to interfere and steal more elections. Although my videos have nothing to do with any of that, it was my music remixes and imagery that made me a target of their terroristic tactics. So here I have the collection of some of my best productions. They are not in chronological order here.

Dino Kartsonakis at the Piano


BIO:\r\nAmerica’s Piano Showman, a title aptly given to one of the world’s premier performers of our time. From Carnegie Hall, to the honor of being the only person to ever perform inside the Tower of David, Jerusalem. Dino has captured the world with his unique talent, stellar performances and exceptional showmanship. Two time Grammy Award nominee and Grammy Award nominee for “Chariots of Fire”, eight time Dove Award winner and Tele Award winner for “Miracle’s”. Dino’s talent and performance prowess all started at the tender age of three, when he sat at an upright piano, and played both melody and harmony of a hymn he heard that morning at church. He grew into his talents and later studied at Julliard School of Music, and conservatories in both France and Germany. Dino is not only an entertainer, but a husband and father of two daughters.

Meta Pours Fluid Art


I am absolutely in love with acrylic pouring and fluid art! Join me on my journey as I explore different styles and techniques! I love to share what I have learned with others, and most of my videos are in more of tutorial form. Explaining things the way I would have wanted when I was starting out. I would love it if you joined me on my newly formed Facebook group (which is still in it's baby stages) to continue the conversation. As well as a place to share, and learn. You can find us here:



THIS IS YOUR NEW FAVORITE TV PROGRAMMING THAT WAS CREATED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO HELP THE GENERAL PUBLIC NAVIGATE "the" GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA & CORPORATE MESSAGING, WHILE ASSISTING WITH OVERALL SPELLBREAK, BEAN SPILL, AND DEPROGRAMMING FROM THE PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM. ----- ATTENTION. ATTENTION. ATTENTION. ----- THIS IS A WARNING. AS YOU ARE WELL AWARE, There are forces who want you unarmed, enraged, and mentally crippled. They want to swindle you, rape your integrity, and flood your minds with propaganda. They aim to conquer your spirit, PUNISH your resilience, and stifle your voice. They seek to crush your will, mute your protest, and desecrate your values. DEPOPULATION IS THEIR PLAN. They dream of seeing you enraged, unhinged, frenzied. They want to disable your defenses, drown your hopes, topple your dreams. They're preparing to assault your freedom, suppress your rights, and ruin your lives. They want to snuff out your light, disfigure your dignity, and leave you fragile and BANKRUPT. They wish to hinder your progress, hoax your reality, and inflame your fears. They want to aggravate your anxieties, shake your faith, and erase your optimism. They hope to sidetrack your focus, abuse your trust, and engulf your senses WITH DECEPTION. They strive to defeat your courage, ambush your peace, and restrain your potential WHILE ABOLISHING YOUR SELF-WEALTH. They're plotting to demolish your fortitude, extinguish your fire, disgrace your name. They want you weakened, foiled, damaged. They want to inundate your heart with despair, overcome your strength, batter your resolve. They desire to smash your spirit, silence your voice, and degrade your worth. PLEASE ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT, they want to see you DEPRESSED. BROKEN, AND WILLING TO COMPLY TO ANY FALSE AURTHORITY. THEIR GOAL IS to upset you, drain you, blemish your character. They want you beaten, restricted, devastated. They want you quashed, defiled, unhinged. REMAIN CALM; DO NOT REACT TO THE FALSE FLAG. IT'S ALL A PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION MEANT TO PROVOKE A RESPONSE. DO NOTHING THAT WILL GIVE THEM AN EXCUSE. TRAIN YOUR MIND, BODY, TO RESIST. LEARN WAYS TO NAVIGATE THE LEGAL WAY. LEARN WAYS TO WEAPONIZE ANYTHING. THEY WANT YOU DISARMED AND DEMORALIZED. UNDERSTAND YOUR SURROUNDINGS, CREATE AN ESCAPE PLAN, DISTRACT THEN DISAPPEAR. IT IS THE KEY TO SURVIVAL. ALWAYS EXPOSE THE FILTH AND USE THEIR rhetoric AGAINST THEM. REPITATION IS A TOOL USED TO PROGRAM THE PATHETIC MINDED. MOCKERY WILL ASSIST THE MENTAL SABOTAGE OF YOUR ENEMY. INTERRUPT THEIR NORMALITY WITH SANITY. DESTROY THEIR EXPECTATIONS BY NOT REACTING. Stand firm, remain vigilant, be unyielding in your resolve. Because we are Americans, we won't be conquered. They want us weak, but we are strong. They want us broken, but we are whole. They may want us silent, but we WILL BE HEARD. DO NOT RELY ON GOVERNMENT RESCUE. PREPARE FOR THE ONGOING PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS BY BUILDING AND FORTIFYING YOUR COMMUNITY. NEVER TRUST THE VICTIM ADDICT OR THE "OFFICIAL" NARRATIVE. REMEMBER TO DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT "THEY" WANT, IT WILL SERVE YOU WELL. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU NEED TO READ A WORD BEFORE IT HAS NO MEANING? 9 OUT OF 10 EXPERTS AGREE THAT YOU ARE RETARDED IF YOU BELIEVE THAT READING / HEARING ANY FORM OF A WORD WILL CAUSE PHYSICAL HARM OR SPONTAINIOUS HUMAN COMBUSTION. IF THIS CONCEPT IS TOO TRIGGERING TO UNDERSTAND, THINK OF A DOLPHIN …. RIDING A PUPPY. BOTH ARE DRINKING A GALLON OF COVID VACCINE. IMAGANE THEM LAUGHING AT THE THOUGHT OF BURNING 356 TIRES ON “EARTH DAY” AS THEY DUMP MOTOR OIL ON BABY DUCKS TO SELL MORE “DAWN” DISHWASHING LIQUID. IF THE (IMAGINED) PHYSICAL PAIN AND/OR MENTAL AGONY ARE CAUSING TOO MUCH BLOOD LOSS, (OR THE per·ceived ADDITION IF SUGAR IN YOUR GAS TANK SYNDROME), CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY OR REPORT DIRECTLY TO YOUR CLOSEST EMERGENCY ROOM (SO THAT YOU CAN MOCKED AND LAUGHED AT IN PERSON). REMEMBER THAT “HATE SPEECH” IS ONLY REAL TO THOSE WHO HATE SPEECH. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ----> TAKE THIS MEDICATION AS PRESCRIBED. BOOSTER SHOTS EVERY 17 MINUTES. <--- DON'T KILL GRANDMA. Stay safe, stay strong, and STAY READY FOR ATTACK. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!! MAKE THE RIGHT ONE!!! YOU'RE WELCOME - "the" MANAGEMENT

Unlimited Art Designs


Hello everyone. Welcome to my drawing channel Unlimited Art Designs. My channel creates a wide variety of pencil drawings, shading, and sketches for people who like to watch drawing videos, who are in search of simple drawing ideas, or those who want to improve their drawing skills. New videos are uploaded to my channel 2-3 times every week. Please subscribe to my channel for cute and fun to watch drawing videos of people, places, animals, and things. Thanks for watching, liking and subscribing.