Judicial Watch Verified


Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nThe motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nLitigation and the civil discovery process not only uncover information for the education of the American people on anti-corruption issues, but can also provide a basis for civil authorities to criminally prosecute corrupt officials. Judicial Watch seeks to ensure high ethical standards in the judiciary through monitoring activities and the use of the judicial ethics process to hold judges to account.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nJudicial Watch’s investigation, legal, and judicial activities provide the basis for strong educational outreach to the American people. Judicial Watch’s public education programs include speeches, opinion editorials (op-eds), publications, educational conferences, media outreach, radio and news television appearances, and direct radio outreach through informational commercials and public service announcements.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nThrough its Open Records Project, Judicial Watch also provides training and legal services to other conservatives concerning how to effectively use the Freedom of Information Act and other open records laws to achieve conservative goals of accountability and openness in government.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nThrough its publication The Verdict and occasional special reports, Judicial Watch educates the public about abuses and misconduct by political and judicial officials, and advocates for the need for an ethical, law abiding and moral civic culture.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nJudicial Watch also pursues this educational effort through this Internet site where many of the open records documents, legal filings, and other educational materials are made available to the public and media. This educational effort, which includes direct mailings to millions of Americans, educates the public about operations of government and the judiciary and increases public awareness if corruption and misconduct exists.



“Sociedad Creativa” es un proyecto de toda la humanidad que ofrece la oportunidad de llevar a cabo nuestra civilización de forma pacífica a una nueva etapa de desarrollo evolutivo en el menor tiempo posible. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es CONSTRUIR LA SOCIEDAD CREATIVA A NIVEL MUNDIAL en la que la Vida Humana tenga el máximo valor. OBJETIVOS DEL PROYECTO: Crear las condiciones para construir una sociedad creativa en todo el planeta a través de medios pacíficos. Preguntar a la gente de todo el mundo si quieren vivir en una sociedad creativa, y cómo la ven. Proporcionar una plataforma para una discusión global, internacional y abierta del concepto y modelo de la sociedad creativa en todas las esferas de la vida humana. Encontrar nuevas formas de unir a toda la humanidad y crear condiciones para la participación activa de cada persona en la vida de la sociedad, independientemente de su condición social, religión o nacionalidad. #SociedadCreativa #SociedadCreativa #SociedadCreativaAmericaLatina