Faith & Fire


Most mornings, I pick a verse from the Bible or story in a devotional and read it in my livestream, each Monday morning. I would love if you would join me for the stream. 7:00 am (MST) each Monday morning (Taking weekends off!) I’m reading from my NLT version “Every Man’s Bible.” I like it is because it allows for more current and updated verbiage which is more comfortable for me to read. I enjoy public speaking of motivation, goal setting, social media marketing, sales training, and leadership. Getting others pumped up and fired up excites me. I love any area involving personal development and being able to grow and push others to the top of their game. Please SUBSCRIBE here and check out for more motivation and training!



Wildfire is a dynamic ministry targeted towards the Jr. High and High School age kids in the area. We minister through dramas, videos, worship, and preaching the word. We believe that if God can get a hold of the hearts of young people it will change the future of our city, nation, and our world. Our purpose is to allow God to use us as tools to reach the hearts and lives of the young people in our area. The ministries we exercise are all youth oriented but anyone is invited to attend our services.