Deep State Mapping Project


Official video platform of D.S.M.P. and it's creator, Dylan Louis Monroe. The Deep State Mapping Project (D.S.M.P.) is a civilian led intelligence operation contained within a contemporary art installation. We are working in concert with the Patriot Alliance and the Galactic Federation to bring about the awakening of humanity, and manifest a new golden age of civilization. Through the dissemination of downloads, flyers, posters, apparel, videos, and written materials, we are educating people about their world, and dissolving the lies and illusions of the Matrix “system” built around us.

DeepStateTV Verified


This Channel is a repository of information, useful to combat the Deep State's Propaganda Machine. The Deep State is a Corporate/Financial/Govermental entity that has full spectrum control of the United States and its allies. It operates from the shadows and has the ability to pursue its own agenda, free from constitutional oversight. ---- Background: I worked as a contractor for Verizon, and I personally handled PRISM (2011), TS/SCI, and other sensitive records on a regular basis. I had operational access to millions of Verizon's call, text, and IP records. I had little oversight in my position, and I could access user databases at my leisure. I quit in 2021 because they tried pushing a "woke" agenda on me and untested vaccines. I've met Steven Greer and have been a supporter for around 20 years. I was skeptical at first, luckily he was in the Verizon systems I used... I vetted him in my free time. (better than you can imagine) He's the real deal.

🚨 EBS - La Nuova Norimberga - COVID19 - Adrenocromo - DeepState - Verified


VERITÀ SOPPRESSA ALL'UMANITÀ. Divulgazioni Delle Operazioni AntiMafia. LETTI MEDICI - OLOGRAFICI 🏥 Federazione Galattica LA LUCE HA VINTO ! Se i dadi sono stati truccati in America , automaticamente sono stati truccati in Europa e in Italia! In questi 4 anni abbiamo vissuto l'ultimo colpo di coda dI satana ma la verità e' da tutte le parti ugualmente. Facebook per esempio ha bloccato molti post è rimosso agenti della luce , youtube ha fatto lo stesso la TV e' controllata dai satanisti demONcratici Canali interi di informazioni utili per la salute sono stati rimossi. Siamo stati controllati nelle informazioni. E stata una guerra bypassare il sistema con le trasmissioni video modificati per raggirare l intelligenza artificiale che cerca e trova i post (video) compromettenti per i serpenti e mangiatori di adrenocromo. Ora le cose sono diverse ed esistono piattaforme di 5D OVE IL MALE NON E PERMESSO FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE E IL MOTORE DI RICERCA GOOGLE VIOLANO I DIRITTI UMANI. Per esperienza personale hanno bloccato 2 canali 14000 iscritti su youtube in 3 mesi , più di 2000 video rimossi quasi 3.000.000 di visualizzazioni conteggiate. Eppure andavano bene i canali la gente era contenta di ciò che condividevo, sono stato silenziato , i miei commenti non sempre apparivano , quando parlavo un po di più, spiegavo ,prendevo contatto con il pubblico, mi bloccavano un video, con impossibilita di pubblicare per una settimana , o per due settimane. .---..,,,.òà.,.. Si molta luce e passata e ha raggiunto molte persone, per Dio è stato grande il lavoro di coscienza che stiamo ancora adesso sperimentando , infatti tutto ciò che abbiamo inviato , sta ritornando indietro anche se i canali non ci sono più , Il più grande è stato fatto , non è stato inutile , non voglio che lo pensa nessuno , anzi per me è stato un onore aver aiutato , ci sono molti altri fratelli e sorelle che sono in quella piattaforma e colgo l occasione per salutarli ammiro il loro lavoro, ma io sento che la gente deve sapere a fondo tutto e non mezze verità, e una battaglia persa nel loro campo ove NON E AMMESSO TUTTO IL BENE E AMORE INCONDIZIONATO. SI , posso postare messaggi di speranza , di saggezza , ma non posso dire apertamente di stare lontani dai buchi le maschere e le tamBonazioni, non posso neanche dire che potete rimuovere completamente gli effetti indesiderati che hanno provato ad installare!! Devo parlare saggiamente con i codici di luce altrimenti il sistema blocca ....... Su rumble questo problema non c'e , ho caricato in primis i video più CALDI E ARDENTI ed e' filato tutto giusto , ho tutto il materiale necessario per far comprendere quanto e' profonda la tana del bian coniglio Q questo mi rende contento e realizzato nell'anima!!! Facebook youtube e il digitale terrestre sono coloro che denunciamo, i partecipanti di queste piattaforme non possono inviare e ricevere la completa verità possiamo parlare di amore compassione , ma se tocchiamo argomento punture e vietato ? E vietato perché svela il FONDO DELLA TANA DEL BIAN CONIGLIO! Quindi per vedere tutto il bagliore della luce e necessario comprendere che si trova fuori dal mondo , fuori da questi social E stata costruita nel vero senso della parola una nuova griglia magnetica 5D. Questa griglia ove sto scrivendo e' il ponte (4D) verso la 5D Coloro che sono in 3D hanno l opportunità di ascendere a una dimensione superiore una visione superiore La luce ha vinto!! LA LUCE E' PRESA DI COSCIENZA LA LUCE E' INFORMAZIONE LA LUCE E' CONCENTRATO CALMO AMOREVOLE LA LUCE E' PACE TRANQUILLITÀ VERITÀ LA LUCE E' NON UCCIDERE E NON MANGIARE CARNE E PESCI LA LUCE E' FAI DEL BENE , SOLO BENE PER TE PER ME PER TUTTI

The Fall Of The Cabal And Sequels


Initial and sequels to The Fall Of The Cable by Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter. She gave lectures across the world, wrote 4 books and co-produced 4 documentaries, one of which won an EBE-award during the Laughlin Nevada Film Festival. Her work expanded towards the UFO phenomenon and three ancient civilizations that kept popping up in the crop circles: the ancient Sumerians, Maya and Egyptians. In 2002, she won the Frontier Award for her work in the field of ‘Frontier Sciences’. She set up a Crop Circle Research Center in the Netherlands, which she wrapped up by the end of 2019. In November 2017 Janet got pulled towards the mysterious appearance of Q. The Q-posts fascinated her madly and after 2 years she started giving lectures about the topic. She saw a direct connection between Q and the crop circles. In December 2020 Janet decided to leave the Netherlands, after realizing that her country had turned into a full-on police state. She was censored and monitored to the point of parliamentary questions being asked after one of her interviews and having the police on her doorstep due to her work in general. he left with Cyntha, whom she had met in the spring of 2018 during one of her presentations. From that moment on, they have been living as nomads, changing house every other 2 months for safety reasons. No cell phones, no tracking devices and only armed with fully secured laptops. That’s when their research into the Cabal, shadow governments, plus the identity and purpose of Q skyrocketed. Janet produced the first 10 parts series The Fall of the Cabal in 2019, and the Sequel (a work in progress) followed as a result of combined forces (Janet & Cyntha). Right now, Janet & Cyntha are working on part 24 of the Sequel. It is Janet’s dream to combine all of her findings over the last 3 decades in one explosive ending of the Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal. She is currently learning ancient Sumerian in order to be able to understand the world's oldest language, as she is convinced that what happened in Sumer a long, long time ago, holds the key to the answer of every single question she asked herself since childhood. Cynthia Cyntha finished her official training in Economics in 1995 in the Hague. Her graduation project included a study into the quality of criminal analysis in the Dutch police force. She subsequently started working at the Regional Police Headquarters in Rotterdam, where she created a new function: Financial Crime Analyst. This encompassed a new way of criminal research, by means of ‘Following the Money’. She published three booklets about economics and analytics and gave lectures to other crime analysts. After leaving the police force, she became a management trainee at an insurance company, but she realized soon enough that this was not her path. She decided to follow her heart and work for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Amsterdam headquarters, financial department. As such, she travelled to Afghanistan (1999) and Lebanon (2000). In the summer of 2000, Cyntha collapsed, probably due to her traumatic past. Years went by in which she started a family, became a Dru Yoga teacher and energetic therapist. In 2012 she realized that ‘the system’ had caught her and her children in its trap. She decided to leave the country with her husband, their two daughters, and their pets. They travelled throughout western Europe, living in all sorts of places, meeting all sorts of people. She homeschooled her children, a decision she never regretted... After meeting Janet in 2018, her life turned upside down. Janet asked questions about her past, after which – eventually – her horrid childhood memories came back to her, one by one, until the entire cesspool was opened up. Cyntha divorced and started a long and painful road to healing, aided by the famous Dutch trauma therapist Martin de Witte. As Janet worked on the first series of The Fall of the Cabal (2019), Cyntha started an in-depth study into the Q posts and the Q map. The Sequel was inevitable. Due to the political situation in the Netherlands, Cyntha had started travelling again, this time with Janet. “Working with Janet is like working with your other half. We are a perfect match; we both bring in our own expertise and we are both motivated to the bone to help take down the Cabal by exposing the evil in this world.” Waking up humanity, re-writing history, healing herself from her past, so she can help other victims of ritual sexual abuse in the near future… all has become Cyntha’s life's work. “In the end, we do this for the children!” Please consider supporting their work. They make these documentaries without being paid, so please be generous in your donations! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible. Sadly, Janet has passed away. I'm not sure there will be additional parts to the Sequel. "With the deepest sadness in my heart I have to deliver this message. Janet gave the world an immense gift by creating The Fall of the Cabal. She will never be forgotten. With love, Cyntha KoeterIf" If you like the work that Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter have done you can support them here: and here: Join their FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: Don't forget to subscribe to Stay vigilant Patriots. Pray for your whole armor of God from Ephesians 6-10 and keep the faith. Be at peace, because the Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab:;;

The Deep State Cabal Criminals


This collection of videos provides some in-depth information about the deep state people who are destroying the world, such as the Rockefellers, The Rothchilds, etc. It will also include videos about their involvement in global financial operations, causing recessions and the great depression via the Federal Reserve and their Central Banks. These criminal families have trillions upon trillions of dollars from us by forcing us to pay taxes, without representation, which is usury, illegal and against our Constitution. They are doing anything and everything they can to form a one world government, where they are the kings and queens, and we are the useless eaters. They are involved in global atrocities such as crimes against humanity, corruption, blackmailing, poisoning our food and water, destroying our food via GMOs, You name it; they've done it simply to enslave the world's population, using government puppets to break our Constitution, using BigTech to censor us, and using BigPharm to disable and genocide us. The world would be so much better off without them. NOTE: To date, all of President Trump's promises have come to fruition. Believe it when he often states, "The best is yet to come." God is bringing satan's darkness into His light, because nothing can stop what is coming! and Where we go one, we go all. Stay vigilant Patriots, keep the faith and be at peace. Pray for your whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10. The Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! #NCSWIS #WWG1WGA #Q #ANON If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab:;;