The [PSY OP] Cypher Verified


[ I.C.O.N.S. ] OFFICIAL AFFILIATE Unique, Independent PODCAST that brings Truth, Exposure, Journalistic Integrity, Deciphering 5th Generation/Irregular Warfare, ICONS AFFILIATE/REPRESENTATIVE, Anon, Seeker of Knowledge, Q 17, Discussing an array of topics (not limited to Politics or Geopolitics), Bringing a Sense of HUMOR during this Spiritual War of 9 years. Interviewing incredible humans & finding ways to express SOURCE [ GOD, CHRIST, YESHUA,JESUS ] while we ASCEND into 5D as the world prepares for the GREATEST SHOW EVER as WE SHIFT INTO THE NEW WORLD!

Healing from CPTSD


Hello and welcome to Healing from CPTSD! My name is Justin and I myself deal with CPTSD from narcissistic abuse. I created Healing from CPTSD to be a place of support for other survivors of narcissistic abuse and those who struggle with CPTSD. In addition, it's also a place that will have all sorts of resources and tools for you to be able to HEAL and take your life back for REAL. Links mentioned in the video are below: Follow me for regular content and SIGN UP on our email list at: Site: CPTSD from Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker: Resources for understanding personality disorders as well as CPTSD better: Facebook page: Facebook group for support: Twitter: YouTube: YouTube Backup Channel: Rumble Backup Channel: Instagram: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Email: It's Time to be Seen. It's Time to be Heard. It's Time to HEAL.

Special Ops Journal


Welcome to Special Ops Journals, dedicated to exploring and sharing the world of special operations. From the brave men and women who serve in elite military units around the globe to the cutting-edge technology and tactics used in the field, we bring you an inside look at the world of special ops. Our channel covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to special forces units, counter-terrorism operations, hostage rescue missions, tactical training, covert operations, and much more. #SpecialOperations #CombatTraining #EliteForces

Van terugslag tot terugkoms: hoe EazyTradeHub jou besigheid kan help om weer op te staan


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