Angry Conservative


This channel is going to focus on history from around the world and how some things are happening in the United States today. It will teach some things that they ain't teaching in schools today. I am going to start the beginning of World War 2 and how a lot the things that happened then are happening the United States today. I will also give you some politics and press briefings. For clips from my daily show please follow my other channel here on Rumble: If you would like to join me for the daily show please email me at

Conservative Nation


Black Conservative, Men\'s Rights Activist, Truth to ear Politics. I am bringing a conservative point a view to black issues. It is my mission to provide African Americans a conservative venue to discuss social issues without the liberal dogs shutting down the argument with false promulgated shaming tactics. It is my belief that most African Americans are conservative and if given an opportunity to hear the other side will agree with most issues. So join me in my fight against liberalism that is destroying the family and men in our society. Support The Show: Patreon: Paypal: Podcast The Show: Follow Me: Podbean Google Music: Stitcher Radio: Itunes Podcast:

AmRen Conference Fan


Speeches from Jared Taylor's annual American Renaissance Conference. The speeches on this channel are ones not uploaded on AmRen's Rumble Channel. Any speeches uploaded here are from 2019 or earlier. Speeches from AmRen Conferences 2021-Present are on AmRen's Rumble Channel found here: To easily find AmRen Conference Speeches from 2021-Present, here's summaries of those conference where links to each speech can be found: 2023 American Renaissance Conference: 2022 American Renaissance Conference: 2021 American Renaissance Conference: Subscribe to 'AmRen Article Narrations' here on Rumble for even more Jared Taylor/AmRen content: Subscribe to 'JaredTaylor Podcast Fan' here on Rumble for Jared Taylor's great weekly podcast: Not affiliated with AmRen/Jared Taylor, only a fan uploading their work that's not on Rumble.