The Hillbilly Kitchen Country Cooking Verified


Join real country women as we cook real food in the real kitchens where we cook for our families. We will share our recipes and our methods with you. Food doesn't have to be fancy to taste good. We will teach you how to make basic everyday foods and fancy dishes that we make for special occasions. Along the way we will share our faith and families with you. Cooking at home saves tons of money and is far healthier than eating in restaurants, as a bonus everything is fixed exactly the way you like it. The kitchen is the heart of the home. Welcome to our kitchens! #TheHillbillyKitchen #CountryCooking

UFOs, Aliens, Space and Government Cover-ups


We indulge into life from other planets, how they get here and the government knowing about it and hiding the truth. Two Biggest Government cover-ups: Aliens and their technology and the Climate Change Hoax. If you like to make a donation to support the content please go to: for Doug Vogt for Dr. Steven Greer for Jeremy Corbell Also check out Thomas Townsend Brown's Website.

The Becket Cook Show


The Becket Cook Show was created by Becket Cook to discuss relevant topics and to crush the lies of culture with truth. Becket Cook was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. After graduating from college, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of writing and acting, finding success in both. He eventually became a production designer working on fashion shoots for brands such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Gap, L'Oréal Paris, and Nike. Becket lived as a gay man until 2009, when he reluctantly agreed to attend a church service at which he was transformed by the gospel and gave his life to Christ. He also knew that homosexuality was a sin and that he could no longer live that life. Becket spends much of his time in ministry speaking at churches, universities, and conferences helping people understand this issue biblically, theologically, culturally, and personally. Becket graduated from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in 2017 with a Master of Arts in Theology.

Rediscovering Walt Disney


Rediscovering Walt Disney and his creations & Rescuing, Recovering, Reclaiming, & Restoring his works from Woke Disney. This channel exists to shine a light on Walt Disney, his legacy, and his numerous contributions to American culture and to create awareness of his many creations. Here you will find his early cartoons, film trailers, radio shows, interviews, audio recreations of his actual written words, obscure television specials, and other historical examples of Walt Disney history and his creative endeavors. It is our hope that this will cause understanding and appreciation for Walt Disney and his impact on our culture and the world by curating this collection documenting the history of his studio as it was. We also have included some vintage films documenting some of the people who collaborated with Walt because it's important average people are aware of the talented men and women who helped make Walt's visions into realities. Only by understanding the past can we hope to reclaim and restore the future. Videos are posted for historical purposes only. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company. Some of the rare, historical audio and visuals contained herein are the sole property of the Walt Disney Company. These are historical enthusiast-compiled and no copyright infringement is intended nor are any of these videos sold for a profit. By creating awareness of these rare materials, we hope that the Walt Disney Company will make these historic materials officially available for all to enjoy again. This is the sort of content that should have its own section on Disney+. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Please consider a donation to our Give/Send/Go so that we may continue to acquire more historical content from Walt Disney history to shine a light on. Thank you.

Discovering the Jewish Jesus


Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus' Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of messianic prophecy. Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of God, are answered with exceptional clarity. Through understanding the Old Testament and its prophetic nature (with Yeshua as its fulfillment) your faith is strengthened, increased relationship and intimacy with the LORD is discovered, and an end-times vision of life is crystallized. This is an end-times ministry, strengthening the church and calling her to be a readied bride for the return of the Bridegroom, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah) Visit our website at or email us at

Health & Wellness Show On The Relentless Search f=For Truth


Our message is a message of hope and healing. And our mission is to bring you on a journey to Discovering True Health. Our goal is to provide cutting edge health information through research and interviews with experts. We will also discuss personal journeys of many individuals and groups as each and every one of our bodies are unique and different and not everyone responds and reacts the same to treatments, medicine, holistic supplements, and even foods. Nothing is a one size fits all. This will be a journey of discovery for us all to help each of you not only find wellness but to thrive.

Total Disclosure: UFOS Cover Ups and Conspiracy


UFOs, Cover-ups, & Conspiracies Are what we focus on here at Total Disclosure. We dive into the questions of the universe, Case studies past and present, along with our discussions on current film, and television. Coupled with interviews from around both communities, you can expect to always be involved in the conversation. We do it for you, and we do it for the culture! Keep your Eyes to gthe sky, You never know what you may find;) #UFOtwitter #UFOs #UAPs #nasa #space #aliens #alienlife #TDP #podcast #podnation #paranormal #Movies #Film #Marvel #popculturecorner #TotalDisclosure #PopCultureUpdate #UFOdisclosure #UFOsightings #UAPsightings #ufotwitter #Alienlife