China in Focus Verified


"China in Focus" is a new Youtube channel created by NTD to provide viewers with fast, compelling, first-hand news from China. NTD is a New York-based, global television network founded in 2001 by Chinese-Americans who fled communism. They understood that independent media are crucial to a free society. So they created NTD to bring the world uncensored and truthful information—no matter the cost. We remain free from all external influence—whether from political, financial, or special interests, and cover stories that others don’t. Our arts and lifestyle programs embody universal values, and celebrate the best of humanity’s culture and traditions. NTD is part of Epoch Media Group.

Preaching New IFB


Reposting Sermons from " New Independent Fundamental Baptist ( New IFB ) " Churches and Related Content. --- Also check these Churches out on their YouTube channels: - Faithful Word Baptist Church : - First Works Baptist Church : - Verity Baptist Church : - Mountain Baptist Church : - Strong Hold Baptist Church :



Shenzhen Hong Zheng technology limited is now a manufacturer specializing in 100% natural and genuine Turquoise and gemstone handmade jewelry.Found in June 2010, ShenZhen, China, with establishing the brand of “ZH Gems”, Shenzhen Hong Zheng technology limited is now a manufacturer specializing in 100% natural and genuine Turquoise and gemstone handmade jewelry, which active both in the natural and genuine gemstone fashion Sterling silver,14K/18K /10K/9K gold jewelry and trade jewelry industry with over 13 years experiences. ◆ We have own Turquoise mine which located in HuBei of China; ◆ Factory located at DongGuan, HuiZhou and HuBei of China; ◆ Sale office in LongGang District, ShenZhen, China. ◆ More than 10 salers-team members; ◆ More than 200 handmade manufacture workers; ◆ Cut Turquoise and Gemstone factory ◆ Gems inlay Sterling Silver and 14K/18K Gold Jewelry factory



新唐人電視台 YouTube中文版官方新聞頻道(NTDChinese) 為中國新聞最完整的視頻網, 隨時提供中國在此關鍵時刻的即時新聞、熱點新聞與頭條新聞。 新唐人電視台是由海外華人聯合創辦的國際性、獨立、非盈利華語電視台,於2002年2月在美國首播,自2003年7月起通過新唐人衛星網向亞洲,歐洲,澳洲和北美洲全天24小時同步播放。新唐人總部設在紐約,在全世界有60多個記者站。 同時,新唐人是一個具備多元化節目, 以普通話和粵語為主的綜合性電視台,擁有許多別具風格、精心製作的節目。節目包括世界各地時事新聞、熱點訪談、體育娛樂、經濟金融、文化教育、影視戲劇及各種為華人所喜聞樂見的文化專題。 更多訊息請參閱新唐人官方網站

Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin Timeless Teachings


These are the timeless teachings of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, Founder, Kenneth Hagin Ministries ( Rev. Kenneth Erwin Hagin was born on Aug. 20, 1917, in McKinney, Texas. Rev. Hagin was sickly as a child, suffering from a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease. He was not expected to live and became bedfast at age 15. In April 1933 during a dramatic conversion experience, he reported dying three times in 10 minutes, each time seeing the horrors of hell and then returning to life. In August 1934, Rev. Hagin was miraculously healed, raised off a deathbed by the power of God and the revelation of faith in God’s Word. Jesus appeared to Rev. Hagin eight times over the next several years in visions that changed the course of his ministry. In 1967, he began a regular radio broadcast that continues today as Rhema for Today. In 1968 Rev. Hagin published the first issues of The Word of Faith. That magazine, now produced nine times a year, has a circulation of over 200,000. The publishing outreach he founded, Faith Library Publications, has circulated worldwide more than 65 million copies of books by Rev. Hagin, Kenneth W. Hagin, Lynette Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, and several other authors. Faith Library Publications also has produced millions of audio and video teachings.

Preaching for God's Glory


Preaching for God's Glory is a Ministry committed to exalting the name of Christ through the proclamation of God's Word. My name is Adam Markley and on this Rumble page you will find the following podcasts: Truth Nuggets: These podcasts are posted each day (M-F) and include sermon clips and devotionals from God's Word. It posts every morning on Youtube and might be delayed on Rumble. Truth Transforms: Truth Transforms comes out at least once a week. It promotes a biblical worldview and deals with discipleship issues. It deals with doctrinal issues, discipleship issues and applies the truth of God's Word to the cultural issues of today. I pray that you are blessed by this online ministry of the Word! In Christ, Adam Markley For more information about Preaching for God's Glory, please visit

Hutchings Health


Andrew Anthony Hutchings is a health, fitness, and medical expert who holds a degree in biochemistry and molecular biology and is not a licensed physician at this time. Nothing he says is medical advice. Andrew began studying the human body at age 10 with fitness and psychology but by age 13 became focused on the molecular workings of the body. Andrew realized at the time that in order to alter the functions of the body, drugs need to be synthesized, so he went on to learn chemistry until he was able to synthesize drugs. He received a full scholarship to study chemistry at the University of California Irvine, and studied chemistry and biology, but changed the name of his degree from Chemistry, to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology before graduation as he felt it was more representative of his knowledge and interest. Andrew has been forced to become an expert on healing and optimizing health due to constant injuries and illnesses in his late teenage years and early twenties. Despite having been through full body organ failure, cracking nearly every bone in his body, tearing countless tendons and ligaments, and breaking cartilage, Andrew has persevered and remained an athlete, competing in bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions, earning the title master of sport for powerlifting in Russia. His ultimate goal though is to lead a long healthy and able life. Hopefully he can help you to do the same!