Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight—Republican Majority Verified


The footage in this video is from a west-facing camera at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. This camera footage is the first of many the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Oversight will be posting exclusively on Rumble. Certain clips throughout the day will appear blurred during specific times when USCP personnel manually zoomed in the camera. The blurring effect was added by the Subcommittee before publishing where a private citizen's face becomes recognizable. This is to protect the identity of private citizens from doxing. Additionally, the time stamp for each individual clip is included in the title.

Staged Chessboard


This channel is for re-uploading content that more people need to watch and share as well as giving my takes on everything going on in the world as it. I will give my thoughts on politics, entertainment, communities and more. I will also expose some of the wolves in sheep's clothing that claim to be against the system. Remember: "All the world is a stage." "The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." My other accounts are here:

Chasing The Light


Welcome to Old ideas aren’t helping and discussion is under fire. May our hearts be kind, our minds fierce and our spirits brave. Trying to evolve in a an upside down world, Together. You are not alone in this Brave New World. Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. Charles Dickens Love, SunJewel Support the Channel and Paying It Forward Projects Please, if you get anything out of the video like, subscribe, and share :) Every like makes my heart happy. CashApp $SunJewel Contact me: Chasing the Light Community

The Chosen Brasil


POR QUE UMA SÉRIE DE TV SOBRE JESUS? Isaías 43:19 diz: "Eis que estou fazendo uma coisa nova..." The Chosen (Os Escolhidos) é uma coisa nova. * Como foi financiado é novo: Somos o projeto de mídia com maior financiamento coletivo de todos os tempos - mais de US$ 10 milhões doados voluntariamente por mais de 19.000 pessoas. * O conteúdo é novo: Somos a primeira de TV multi-temporadas sobre a vida de Cristo. * A maneira de assistir é nova: somos a primeira série a ter o próprio aplicativo que se conecta diretamente aos seus dispositivos de streaming. Nenhuma assinatura necessária. Basta pesquisar "The Chosen" na sua loja de aplicativos, baixar no seu telefone e começar a assistir. * A forma como está chegando ao mundo é nova: o app está disponível em todos os países gratuitamente, mas ao colaborar, você ajuda a garantir o financiamento das próximas temporadas. Assim alcançaremos 1 bilhão de pessoas ao redor do mundo! Bem-vindo a uma coisa nova!

Choose Love Not Fear


CHOOSE LOVE NOT FEAR NEWS - UNVEILING TRUTHS FOR A BETTER TOMORROW A channel created to bring the truth to light, help as many people as possible better understand current events and prepare for the days to come. Here in Choose Love Not Fear News, we speak the truth and only the truth. We bring the facts to the table in order to help people connect the dots. Through our articles and investigative journalism, we create an introduction and analysis to different situations around the world. Our work is more than just journalism, we also work with different organizations in Israel and around the world who create impactful changes by implementing laws and helping people globally. We are currently in early growing stages. We need your help and support to grow our channel and create more content in both English and Hebrew so we can bring the truth to light in a much larger scale.