UnchartedX Verified


Hi, my name is Ben, welcome to UnchartedX. I'm a long-time student and fan of history. I've spent a lot of time throughout my life travelling to, photographing and filming ancient sites all around the world, and (more recently) interviewing and talking to many of the leading researchers and authors, many of whom are working to uncover the true origins of the mystery that is our past. I believe there is a need for high quality content that addresses the new science and new discoveries that should affect how we view the past, and to examine the contradictions that are clearly evident on ancient sites, and in our orthodox version of history. I hope you'll join me on this journey! I try to publish at least 1-2 well researched pieces per month, and also other less structured content, podcasts/interviews and the like. I may also publish content unrelated to history, from time to time :) Please consider the value-for-value model as outlined at https://unchartedx.com/support!



The official Rumble channel of the ministry of Jonathan Cahn. Here, you’ll find Jonathan Cahn’s sermons, prophetic updates, daily words for life, biblical teachings and revelations. Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy. Check out some of Jonathan Cahn’s books here! - https://BooksByJonathanCahn.com/ 🖥 Follow Jonathan Cahn: 👇 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonathan.cahn/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonathancahn.official/ X: https://twitter.com/Jonathan_Cahn TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@official.jonathancahn Telegram: https://t.me/officialJonathanCahn WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029ValHKmJ8aKvEh7jYMO36 👉Hope Of The World Ministries: https://www.hopeoftheworld.org 📚Jonathan Cahn's Books: https://booksbyjonathancahn.com For more info or to order any messages on CD or DVD write to : HOPE OF THE WORLD PO BOX 1111 Lodi, NJ 07644 USA

"The DIVE" with Charles Sherrod Jr. Verified


What if there was a show online that brought you everything in news and entertainment, while also giving you up close and personal interviews with some of entertainments finest? Well look no further because it is here. My name is Charles Sherrod Jr. and I host "The DIVE", the revolutionary force in podcasting. Join me every Thursday at 7pm central for the latest episodes on youtube, facebook, twitch and twitter. Celebrities, giveaways, and more. All episodes will be uploaded here for your viewing pleasure. Go to GhostCove on facebook for more details.

Richardson Nutritional Center (RNCStore.com)


Richardson Nutritional Center is the dedicated provider of high-quality natural health supplements and products. Our mission is to promote wellness and healthy living through the use of safe and effective dietary supplements that support the body's natural healing processes. We take great pride in sourcing only the most trusted and reputable manufacturers in the industry, ensuring that our customers receive the best quality products available. With a wide selection of supplements formulated to meet specific health needs, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products.