Author of “Our Cosmic Origin” #1 best seller on Amazon in Ancient & Controversial Knowledge •Cosmic Ambassador, Galactic historian, and star seed. Ismael Perez - Cosmic Conflicts, Knowledge And History...... This is from a Event we did Called The New Earth Collective - Journey through Consciousness. Ismael Perez author of (Our Cosmic Origin)gives a riveting presentation that talk about the Ancestral Cosmic Conflict and some of the history of these Cosmic Entities. Also a glimpse if what to come in the Dimensional aspects of our journey.

The Sincere Seeker


The Sincere Seeker is designed for the one seeking to find God to get to know him and build a relationship. For the one that might be feeling a bit disconnected from his or her Creator, The Creator of you and I, The Creator of this world and all it contains. The Sincere Seeker is for the one that questions his or her life’s purpose and where they're headed? The Sincere Seeker is for the one that seeks to know the true message of God to mankind. The Sincere Seeker is an online platform that features animated videos & blog articles about God, Islam, & the Holy Quran; all of which are designed to educate & inspire. The Sincere Seeker aims to demonstrate how Islam is full of wisdom, love, & mercy to all to inspire one to establish a connection with his Creator. Subscribe to The Sincere Seeker’s newsletter & YouTube Channel to stay connected. May your journey to the answer & to the truth, be pleasant & successful. Grab Your Sincere Seeker Book on Amazon!