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Heralds of the Loud Cry Ministries


The second coming of Jesus Christ is imminent. The final prophetic events contained within the 13th chapter of Revelation are now taking place. God is now calling His faithful people out of Babylon before the seven last plagues are poured out. Babylon in the Old Testament had a literal place on earth, and constituted false worship. Babylon is now spiritual in nature, and is spread all over the earth through Catholicism and fallen Protestant churches. Heralds of the Loud Cry is a Seventh Day Adventist ministry raised up by God for the final proclamation of the first, second, and third angel’s messages of Revelation 14, also known as the Loud Cry contained in Revelation 18. “Of Babylon, at the time brought to view in this prophecy, it is declared: ‘Her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.’ (Revelation 18:5) She has filled up the measure of her guilt, and destruction is about to fall upon her. But God still has a people in Babylon; and before the visitation of His judgements these faithful ones must be called out, that they partake not of her sins and receive not of her plagues.” (GC 604.1) Maranatha. Donations via. PayPal email address: dhsnooze@gmail.com Donations via. E-transfer: joecanadian27@gmail.com



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The Herald Report Ministry


Kudzai Chigogora is the speaker and director of The Herald Report Ministry. The aim of the ministry is to urgently Herald the Present truth of the time and prepare a people to meet their God. Inspiration says “None need fail of attaining, in his sphere, to perfection of Christian character. By the sacrifice of Christ, provision has been made for the believer to receive all things that pertain to life and godliness. God calls upon us to reach the standard of perfection and places before us the example of Christ's character. In His humanity, perfected by a life of constant resistance of evil, the Saviour showed that through co-operation with Divinity, human beings may in this life attain to perfection of character" (AA 532) The Herald Report is a ministry based in England but transcend the boarders of United Kingdom to the entire world. If you want to partner with us in the preaching The Present Truth, please: Email us on kchigos88@gmail.com What’s app/ Tel: +44 7960857353