Baker's Green Acres Verified


See life on a small family homestead where we raise chickens, Mangalitsa pigs, dairy cow, beef cattle and more in a natural, regenerative way. Anyone Can Farm! And you can accelerate your own homesteading or small farm skills in the online and on-farm classes we offer. Enjoy the information we offer here, and contact us or check out our website to learn how you can dive deeper into the homestead and small farm skills. We do offer livestock and farm products from time to time to help you start your farm or homestead experience OR to help you start enjoying the benefits of real farm-raised food. How to Homestead

Two Cats Video Production Verified


Прямо сейчас настоящие новости важнее, чем когда-либо прежде. Поддержите честную альтернативную точку зрения ТОК ШОУ В ПРЯМОМ ЭФИРЕ Ваша финансовая помощь будет способствовать возрождению журналистики и поможет защитить наши свободы для будущих поколений. ZELLE: PAY PAL: TELEGRAM КАНАЛ: TELEGRAM ЧАТ: МЫ НА Фейсбуке Мы на YOUTUBE здесь : МЫ НА TWITEER МЫ НА TWITCH АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЙ YOUTUBE Контактный email:

Official Project Camelot Classic Archive


Welcome to the official backup of Project Camelot by Kerry Cassidy. This platform is dedicated to preserving truth, transparency, and fearless investigative journalism. We stand committed to exposing hidden agendas, questioning mainstream narratives, and providing a space for critical thinkers to explore the deeper realities of our world. Claire Edwards: 5G, COVID, and the Global Reset Claire Edwards, a former United Nations editor and whistleblower, has been a leading voice in raising awareness about the dangers of 5G technology, the COVID-19 agenda, and the broader implications of the so-called Global Reset. She has spoken extensively about the weaponization of technology, the risks of mass surveillance, and the erosion of individual freedoms under the guise of public health and digital transformation. Her work aims to inform and empower people to resist globalist control mechanisms and protect their sovereignty in an increasingly technocratic world. Kerry Cassidy is the CEO and Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well-known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting live shows weekly on Youtube. She interviewed over 1,000 people over the past 15 years on both radio and video available on Youtube and on PROJECT CAMELOT aka – and is a leader in the alternative media sector. The Project Camelot Youtube channel has over 66 million unique viewers worldwide and over 261,000 subscribers. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers, and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension, and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. See Kerry’s recently released book “Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity”, now available on Amazon.