InfiniteWaters(DivingDeep) Verified


InfiniteWaters(DivingDeep) - Peace world, PRIVATE ONE TO ONE CONSULTATIONS with Ralph Smart: Ralph Smart | 2 Million YouTube Followers | Author 📚 | Psychologist | Profiled by MSNBC, Buzzfeed, Yahoo, California Herald and Thrive Global 🙂 📚 THE NEW BOOK NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON | Feel Alive By Ralph Smart: 👚 GET THE GOOD ASS PRANA SHIRTS NOW: 😀 FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM Now Deep Divers | 👉 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: 👉 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: 👉 THE OFFICIAL RALPH SMART WEBSITE: 📚 GET THE NEW NOVEL ON AMAZON: Tryathon - The Love of A Galaxy by Ralph Smart: 📚 BUY THE BOOK OF INFINITE QUOTES 1111 NOW: 👉 Follow on Tumblr:

Clear Perspective


My name is Serene Lee. I was born and raised in Communist China, and I escaped from China to avoid religious persecution. I have personally experienced the brutal ruling of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I know directly of their tactics to control people, and how human rights and free speech remain absolutely taboo in China. After coming to America, I have greatly appreciated American freedom and the value of the individual. I began working as a journalist to share the real news coming out of China, news that was hard to find. I never imagined that the CCP could infiltrate America to the extent that it has, such that the US is now under attack. If America falls, the whole world will fall; there is nowhere for people to escape communism, nowhere for people to seek asylum, nowhere for people to find freedom and human dignity. I am telling you seriously, from my heart: Wake up America! This is our last chance to fight for our freedom.

Torn Curtain by Joshua Simone


Welcome to my channel Torn Curtain by Joshua Simone This is going to be an intro video on what my channel is all about I'm telling you now your going to want to subscribe because i am going to be dropping great content Hit the subscribe button right now Why is the channel Called Torn Curtain? Hebrews 9 tells us that in the temple a veil separated the Holy of Holies which was the earthly dwelling place of God’s presence from the rest of the temple where men dwelt in the Old testament Error. The high priest was only allowed in that space one time a year to make atonement for the sins of the people. He had to put a rope around his leg in case he died while in their because if anyone else but the high priesr went in they would die Matthew 27:50 Tell us when Jesus died on the Cross the curtain of the hollies of hollies was torn in two. This shows that there is no longer a barrier separating God and man because of Jesus death on the cross and now we have direct access to God the father through Jesus death on the cross Torn curtain is a traveling teaching ministry which goal is to bring Reformation, Revival, and Renewal of the church of Jesus Christ What I will cover? Current Events Politics & The church Church History + Theology Discipleship -which is how to grow in your relationship with God and man End Times Inner Healing & Deliverance The gifts of the Holy Spirit I will do this in different formats: Preaching, teachings, testimonies, interviews and other videos I will also cover ministries I have been associated with which include Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, Desert Streams Ministries which includes Living Waters and Cross Current, and Orbis School of Ministry run by Ken Fish. So let me tell you a little bit about myself: Joshua Simone has a degree in Applied Psychology from NYU and attended seminary at Bethel University and ORU Universities. I also took several courses with Streams Ministries started by John Paul Jackson and now run by John Thomas. I am currently studying at the Orbis School of Ministry, run by Ken Fish Josh spent several years in full time ministry as a youth pastor, which I also did college ministry and helped plant a church on Long Island which is now one of the fastest growing churches in America. For the last decade I have attended New Life Fellowship Church in NYC home of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship which is in 600 churches and 30 nations working directly under Pete Scazzero teaching the material. I was also involved with the leadership of several other ministries including: youth ministry, singles ministry, Inner Healing & Deliverance, The Prayer Alter Team, and Lead Cross Current a ministry to help heal sexual brokenness. I was also a deacon at that church. Recently I left New Life Fellowship to begin the process of planting my own church & house of prayer in NYC and to establish a traveling teaching ministry YouTube Channel:

Blue Water Healthy Living


Blue Water Healthy Living is an online magazine located in Port Huron, Michigan. Our purpose is to promote healthy living by showcasing the Blue Water Area, its people, issues and surroundings. This online magazine is devoted to providing healthy living related stories, local happenings, and commentary. Often inspiring and uplifting, our stories come from our heart and soul to promote the enjoyment of a more fulfilling Blue Water Area lifestyle. The material on this web site is provided for informational and amusement purposes only and is not to be confused with any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Blue Water Healthy Living appreciates the passionate content provided to us by our volunteers writers and reporters. Interested volunteer writers and reporters should contact Rachel Decker, our administrator at The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions and values of Blue Water Healthy Living.

Daily Bread And Water


The #Bible From Cover To Cover It's All About #Jesus. We use #SocialMedia to #Share A #VerseOfTheDay, The #Gospel & #JesusIsComingSoon ***Our Belief*** The Bible From Cover To Cover It's All About Jesus. Bread & Water is essential for life. Our physical body needs for food to survive. Our spiritual body needs for Jesus to survive. ***Our Mission*** To plant a seed or water a seed by sharing Scriptures, sharing The Gospel & getting people ready meet Jesus by sharing The Good News that Jesus is coming back SOON!!! ***LINKS TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA*** Bitchute - Brighteon - Discord - Facebook - Harpazo Club - Rumble - Telegram - Twitter - Vimeo - YouTube - ***Read The Bible for yourself*** Here is Websites to read the Bible You can also read The Bible on your smart phone, tablet, computer. Anything with an Android, Apple, Amazon app store. Or Listen to Word Of Promise Audio Bible via our YouTube Playlist Here We Have A PDF Chart Breaking Down The Bible into Chapters Per Book, Verses Per Book, Verses Per Chapter ***How to Be Saved*** "ABC's Of Salvation" & Sample Prayer PDF ***Do you need prayer or have praise report?*** To Request Prayer and/or Share A Praise Report E-Mail us at or Leave a comment, e-mail us or leave a message on our Discord - #Amen, #Apocalypse, #Appetizer, #Believe, #Bible, #BibleProphecy, #BibleStudy, #BibleVerse, #BibleVerseOfTheDay, #Blessed, #Blood, #Bread, #BreadOfLife, #Cast, #Christ, #Christian, #Christianity, #Church, #Cross, #Daily, #Debut, #EndTimes, #Everyday, #Facebook, #FacebookLIVE, #Faith, #God, #GodIsGood, #GodsWord, #Gospel, #Grace, #GraceThroughFaith, #Heaven, #Heal, #HolyGhost, #HolySpirit, #Hope, #Imminent, #Inspiration, #Israel, #Jesus, #JesusIsComing, #JesusIsComingSoon, #JesusIsLord, #JesusLovesYou, #JesusIsKing, #JesusSaves, #LastDays, #LetsGo, #Life, #LIVE, #LIVEStream, #LivingWater, #Lord, #Lost, #LostLovedOnes, #Love, #Maranatha, #MarkOfTheBeast, #Mercy, #Microsoft, #Motivation, #Office, #Paradise, #Peace, #PowerPoint, #Praise, #PraiseReport, #Pray, #Prayer, #Presentation, #Prophecy, #Quotes, #Rapture, #RaptureReady, #Repent, #Request, #Restream, #Revelation, #Rumble, #Salvation, #ScreenCast, #Scripture, #SecondComing, #Slide, #SlideShow, #SocialMedia, #Soon, #SpiritualWarfare, #Stream, #StreamCast, #StreamYard, #Sunday, #Thankful, #Testimony, #Testimonies, #TimeIsShort, #Tribulation, #Truth, #Twitter, #Verse, #VerseOfTheDay, #Video, #VideoPad, #Vimeo, #Water, #WakeUp, #WordOfGod, #Worship, #Yeshua, #YouTube, #YouTubeLIVE,



Dogs suck. Dog people suck. Yes, all of them. Rolling Stones are a terrible band with a misshapen big-headed-ape as a singer that dances like a sissy. Apes are supposed to be strong you stingy armed shrimp of a man Mick. Glamtera is infinitely better than Phil’s Pantera. Johnny Cash is crap & so are each & every person that likes him. I wouldn't even tell AC/DC that they were good for a garage band. The Talking Heads is for blow-hard nerds. Rap sucks, hope that doesn’t need to be said. Nirvana is for emo queers. The Beatles suck and Lead Zeplin(not googling how to spell it)... not a fan. This is the home of obscure Thrash-Metal, Glam-Metal. Syth-Pop and some Sissy Rock. This page is basically a WASP fan-cite. Don’t make my love a crime. Best Music Ever --- Best Official Music Videos Ever --- Great Music Ever 2 --- You don't watch all of these, you fuckin' lose - Now That's What I Call Music Vol 3 --- Real Videos I Did With Me in Them --- Other Music That Exists ---

Tearing Down High Places


In ancient Israel cultural compromise often came when "The High Places" were allowed to remain in a land God claimed to be Holy. Many Kings in Israel and Judah recognized this but many more allowed some compromise instead of completely tearing down these "High Places" where sacrifices to foreign gods led God's people to sin. Today, Our culture and more specifically our Christian culture is tempted by corruption that exists because of compromise. We will on this podcast discuss many cultural issues that could lead or have already led to compromise for the Christian. Our prayer is that you would want to help us TEAR DOWN THOSE HIGH PLACES. Please listen to, subscribe and share this weekly podcast.

Energizing Horizons: Unveiling the Potential of Zero Point Energy & Water-Powered Cars


Get ready to be electrified by "Energy Independence," the channel that dives deep into the limitless possibilities of zero point energy and water-powered cars! Embark on an exhilarating journey as we explore pioneering technologies that harness the power of the universe itself and tap into the immense potential of clean, sustainable energy sources. From mind-bending theories of zero point energy extraction to the awe-inspiring innovation of water-powered vehicles, we'll unravel the mysteries, debunk the myths, and showcase the groundbreaking research propelling us towards a future of energy abundance and environmental harmony. Brace yourself for an electrifying experience that will spark your imagination, redefine the boundaries of possibility, and inspire you to join the renewable revolution. "Energy Independence" is your gateway to a world where limitless energy and eco-friendly transportation reshape our future. Let's rumble together towards a brighter, greener, and truly enlightened tomorrow!

HHO Hydrogen from water. Water fuel cell experiments.


Many of these videos are very old, chronicling my early experiments in hydrogen from water, in search of over unity, ie self running engine using only water. Never got there. Some designs were total flops. But in the end I was able to demonstrate improved ICE efficiency. Others are also producing very fine videos on this topic. I plan to revisit it in my retirement at some point, which is coming very soon. My immediate priority, however, is the completion of my non-joulian magnetostriction experiment which I feel very strongly has the potential to deliver 100% off grid life to 100% of the world population.