Cleanse Heal Ignite Podcast & Interviews Verified


Welcome to the Cleanse Heal Ignite Ministry, hosting the Doc Talk Podcast, Interviews with Dr Diane Kazer and more! Dr. Diane created the Cleanse, Heal, Ignite Holistic Health Ministry and Warrior Detox Program, certifying coaches and teaching patients to activate their intuition to self heal, empowering them with life-long tools to reverse auto-immune disease, breast implant illness, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain, gut infections, emotional trauma and perfectionism through functional medicine labs, custom detox and mastering mindset. Author of Killer Breasts, creator of the Explant Solution, producer of the Non Toxic Beauty Summit and Ickonics 10 part ‘Dying to be Beautiful’ Docuseries’. Her mission is to inspire you to embrace your natural inner and outer beauty and God Given gifts, shedding the S.H.I.T. that releases you to Live your Best Life with love, laughter and liberation.” Dr. Jack is an Alternative Medical Doctor who provides custom and effective solutions for the body and mind using a three-step strategic approach based on key pillars such as nutrition, exercise, and herbs & whole food supplements. Dr. Jack’s journey began long ago, rooted in a lifelong passion for wellness and a desire to help everyone around him lead a healthier lifestyle. He understands the path to wellness because he has faced similar struggles. From a skinny-fat, broken-brained kid, Dr. Jack transformed himself into an author, pro-drug-free bodybuilder, motivational speaker, and Doctor. He firmly believes that if he could achieve this transformation, others can do it as well. While his practice focuses on health and wellness, Dr. Jack believes there’s another dimension with unlimited potential—the ability to deliver a message of empowerment. He aims to show everyone that they can live a better life if they put their hearts and minds into it. Dr. Jack’s goal is to inspire his clients to gain courage and motivate them to pursue a better and healthier future, enabling them to become who they are meant to be and do what they are meant to do. His drive and dedication have fueled this dream from the start. Every single day, Dr. Jack strives to put his best effort forward, working closely with his valued patients. He helps them meet their nutritional needs, achieve fitness goals, and find confidence in themselves, improving their lifestyle and habits, one day at a time. He holds a Doctorate and Ph.D. in Natural Medicine from Quantum University, an M.S. in Applied Clinical Nutrition from New York State Chiropractic, and a B.S. from Empire State College. He is a Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner and has received certifications from the Society of Wellness Functional Herbal Therapy and Cancer, ACE as a Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Weight Management Specialist, as well as Expert Rating Sports Nutrition. Additionally, Dr. Jack is a NESTA Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and a WELCOA Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist.

Concerned Doctors


As physicians and health professionals, we’re concerned about the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on our patients, our families, our state and our nation. We believe in the principle of do no harm and in preserving the freedom of both patient and practitioner to choose the best course of treatment. We support the principle of informed consent and the free exchange of medical research and clinical data between providers and patients and the population in general. We advocate early treatment protocols with safe and proven medications to keep patients healthy and out of hospitals. We all have the right to informed consent to choose the best and safest course of treatment — it’s one of the hallmarks of civilized medicine and anything to the contrary must be confronted and eradicated.



Who needs sleep when you have SCARY VIDEOS to keep you up? 👻 That's right baby, we'll serve you up with a weekly dose of chills with our IN-DEPTH analysis of strange and TERRIFYING Paranormal Videos you've never seen! Hope you've been having some decent nights of rest because from now on, Sleep is CANCELED! Ghosts? Got 'em. Haunted dolls? Child's play. Jinns, poltergeists, cryptids, and even some UFOs? Just a typical Saturday (uploading every single week, by the way!) If it's eerie, otherworldly, and makes you question reality, we're all over it, my friend! So, go fullscreen in your monster-sized TV, grab your favourite night-time snack (ghost pepper popcorn for the brave), and get freaking ready for a wild ride through the unexplained... Sleep is for the weak, and let's face it, you weren't going to get any after watching our SCARY videos anyway!

Just A Concerned Citizen


Think of this channel first and foremost as a platform to rebel against the global elites whos policies have managed to infiltrate most of the free world. I strongly believe their goal to strip us all of our God given fundamental rights that have been around since The Magna Carta. The threat to this constitutional republic has never been greater than right now! Powerful forces continue to try to undermine our sovereignty as a nation, and usher in a one world government to rule the world. These globalists would gladly let the world burn if they could rule the ashes. We need to stop rationalizing what are world leaders are doing, stop giving them the benefit of the doubt! Silence is no longer an option, We The People need to speak up. We need to stop complying and start rebelling. On this channel video uploads and livestreams will be discussing a wide range of topics. Subjects include the US economy, stock market, commodities, macroeconomics and geo-politics. But will also discuss the importance of freedom of speech, the second amendment, removing money from politics, crushing the mainstream medias strangle hold on the narrative, searching for truth based of facts, and restoring law and order. We are currently in my opinion in Americas Fourth Turning a crisis period, and things may look bleak right now, but I have hope in humanity that there is a brighter day coming. There are more of us then them, and in a fight of Good vs. Evil I believe ultimately we will prevail. WE are here to BREAK THE WHEEL! MOLON LABE!

CANCEL LINCOLN: The Betrayal of 1776


Typically the violence that the North inflicted on the South resulting in The Civil War is justified by claims that it was done to end Slavery. But as you will learn by watching the series, this is just not true. Ask yourself, when was the last time the government was honest with you about its reasons for entering war? Were there really WMDs in Iraq? (No) Did the Gulf of Tonkin incident that justified the Vietnam War actually occur? (It didn't) Did we really not know of an impending Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor? (We did) What makes you think that the Civil War is any different? Follow me on: Bitchute: Odyssee: Rumble: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:

Welcome back to another vid! Today we're playing the LTM Dummies Big Day in Apex Legends. Let me know how you guys feel about this game mode and leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Love yall:) Follow my instagram:


Welcome back to another vid! Today we're playing the LTM Dummies Big Day in Apex Legends. Let me know how you guys feel about this game mode and leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Love yall:) Follow my instagram:

Cancelled Conversations


Welcome to Cancelled Conversations, lets talk about things that might get you cancelled or shunned by today’s society. Daniel Moon serves as your host, a democrat by normal standards, but maybe not by today’s. There are certain things that in our current day and age that cannot be questioned. Nor can they be thought on for too long, without being labeled crazy, or a bigot. Whether we’re talking about political correctness, conspiracy theories, or hot topic news, this is the only place where you can hear things the mainstream refuses to talk about. Left? Right? Center? Cancelled? Welcome. 🎙️🛑 📸 Insta: Cancelledconversations 📸 Daniel’s Insta: Realdanielmoon

The Cancel Curtain Verified


The Cancel Curtain "The Cancel Curtain" is a show about theatre and how politics plays a major role in today's performing arts world. How does theatre affect culture and how does culture affect politics? Or is it the other way around? Editors' Notes: As an actor with different views than most of my colleagues, I wanted to share a different perspective.**Dad joke warning!** I wanted to share a "stage right" POV on how politics and culture have shaped the art world, specifically the performing arts. Get it?? "stage right" as in the right side of politics versus the left? As you can tell already, there will be terrible puns and dad jokes mixed in. I wanted to give artists, teachers and parents a podcast to listen to that provides resources, enlightenment and entertainment. The theatre world is saturated with one sided arguments to the world's problems. While I'm always willing to listen to people who disagree with me, I haven't received the same platform. So why not create a podcast???And because I can't help myself, all the jokes and opinions in here are again, just jokes and opinions. If life really is just a bowl of cherries, then don't take it serious! Sit back, relax and "Let Me Entertain You!"

JC Tonic Herbs That Are Bi Directional – Help Clean Organs – Cleanse Body Verified


JURAK CLASSIC WHOLE BODY TONIC - A Corrective and Digestive Herbal and Mineral* Supplement JC Tonic® is a safe and effective anti-aging solution formulated to balance, energize and cleanse all of the body systems. Detoxify, Purify and Fortify JC Tonic® is unlike any other product available on the market. The scientific combination of 18 Bi-directional Tonic Herbs and 6 Vital Minerals makes JC Tonic® both gentle and powerful, and completely safe for anyone to consume on a daily basis. Our proprietary blend draws on the best of the world's vital traditions; emphasizing balance and longevity; counteracting stress; balancing the body system; improving endurance; increasing physical and mental energy, stamina and circulation; detoxifying and maintaining cellular health. JC Tonic Herbal Juice Is A Corrective & Digestive Herbal & Mineral Tonic composed of peculiar health giving substances found & extracted from plants, is a special preparation in the form of a tonic, to help keep the blood healthy. It accomplishes this by helping to regulate blood chemical & biological balance.