Revelation Series by Pastor Steven Anderson (2013)


In this scripture-packed series, Pastor Steven L Anderson takes you verse-by-verse through the Book of Revelation, explaining every line and leaving no stone unturned. Brought to you by film-maker Paul Wittenberger, director and producer of AFTER THE TRIBULATION, these 22 sermons will cut through the disinformation and false doctrine and expose solid biblical truth. By the end of this series, you will have a clear understanding of every chapter in the Book of Revelation.

Video Creator & Digital Conversion Specialist


My Company, Redwoods Custom Video, and Photo Creations digitize and modernize Obsolete Analog recordings on film, video, slides, photos, Compact Cassettes, and Reel-to- Reel audio tapes. We transfer your digital files to DVDs Or a USB flash drive. so they will last for generations that follow. Redwoods is a Trustworthy, Professional, and Affordable Veteran-owned small business located in Laguna Vista, Texas. Redwoods is a registered small business in Cameron County, Texas. Message us today so we can convert your collection In my spare time, I also create videos to bring a smile to the faces of those not too tightly wound. My videos can potentially cause some to grind their teeth like Hunter in a 2 hr meeting with no breaks. and a disposable lighter that is out of fuel. Political anxiety is dangerous but is exactly how they want us to live. We the People are in charge, not the so-called elite. Semper Fi

Concerned Doctors


As physicians and health professionals, we’re concerned about the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on our patients, our families, our state and our nation. We believe in the principle of do no harm and in preserving the freedom of both patient and practitioner to choose the best course of treatment. We support the principle of informed consent and the free exchange of medical research and clinical data between providers and patients and the population in general. We advocate early treatment protocols with safe and proven medications to keep patients healthy and out of hospitals. We all have the right to informed consent to choose the best and safest course of treatment — it’s one of the hallmarks of civilized medicine and anything to the contrary must be confronted and eradicated.

Just A Concerned Citizen


Think of this channel first and foremost as a platform to rebel against the global elites whos policies have managed to infiltrate most of the free world. I strongly believe their goal to strip us all of our God given fundamental rights that have been around since The Magna Carta. The threat to this constitutional republic has never been greater than right now! Powerful forces continue to try to undermine our sovereignty as a nation, and usher in a one world government to rule the world. These globalists would gladly let the world burn if they could rule the ashes. We need to stop rationalizing what are world leaders are doing, stop giving them the benefit of the doubt! Silence is no longer an option, We The People need to speak up. We need to stop complying and start rebelling. On this channel video uploads and livestreams will be discussing a wide range of topics. Subjects include the US economy, stock market, commodities, macroeconomics and geo-politics. But will also discuss the importance of freedom of speech, the second amendment, removing money from politics, crushing the mainstream medias strangle hold on the narrative, searching for truth based of facts, and restoring law and order. We are currently in my opinion in Americas Fourth Turning a crisis period, and things may look bleak right now, but I have hope in humanity that there is a brighter day coming. There are more of us then them, and in a fight of Good vs. Evil I believe ultimately we will prevail. WE are here to BREAK THE WHEEL! MOLON LABE!