Qlobal-Change Italia 595 Followers Accelera Il Cambiamento Qlobal-Change è una piattaforma che unisce le notizie alternativi. Magliette Q: https://l8comp.myspreadshop.net/frequency?idea=659703c6f1e0ac56a731aca7 X: https://twitter.com/QCItalia Blog: https://qlobal-change-italy.blogspot.com/ Blog 2: https://qlobalchangeitalia.substack.com NewsFEED: https://t.me/QC_Italia_BlogFEED Odysee: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@QlobalChangeItalia:2 BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/T1U1suK2lmBJ/
Total Change with Terry Somerville 60 Followers A Prophetic Political Practical Christian Ministry. I believe Jesus is Lord and is moving in our midst. We need eyes to see what He is doing and know how to co operate with Him.