Adirondack Bushmaster is about educating people about all aspects of the outdoors, including but not limited to safety, survival, prepping, emergency preparedness, motorcycle and RV safety, preparedness and adventures, history, and our Rights, and our freedoms of all American's as well has all humanity. Sometimes testing equipment and gear. We also share our music to inspire you and encourage you, as well as special messages and news to help you be prepared to overcome all obstacles. Adirondack Bushmaster also explores what's happing in our national forests with the missing 411, and is the missing 411 because of UFO's, portals and strange cryptids in our forests like Sasquatch?

Relaxation Network


Pure Water Relaxation Network Is a relaxation\chill\sleep\study\prayer channel, available on rumble and bitchute maybe.. feel free to support if you like to: BTC 1C3zDoiJupdS7Ku8vDj5FWJ1hVYsjLRfdc ETH 0x1a0244519C2F0AC4Ac6cC91678AD5624F1299D8A MONERO 42StY9F8iZcfMqk2XyTBTaRAJFKBWHKbb1c8j4qJMXdJKVthFZDZd44FxCytxVDpG5W3mk3k9kPLqdGmX85uKtCu8VFCB1N XLM GDAHGJG2F5SSN6R2V4GMTOHVTD3N7QXH2WDXDR7HNL2F3POSZPO3PWYD SHIBA INU 0x1a0244519C2F0AC4Ac6cC91678AD5624F1299D8A We greatly Appreciate it! follow us on social: