AetherMedia22 Tony Punch


🔻🔻AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻🔻 Please Help Support This Channel If Able. If You Enjoy & Are Learning From These Videos Please Donate, Any Amount Is Greatly Appreciated! Thank You Very Much! 🙏🙏 💲 💲 💲$TonyPunch22 Education, Knowledge, Wisdom, Experience, Intelligence, Intuition, In Search Of Truth & Reality! More and more people are snapping out of the spell, waking up and beginning to see It All! All I really want is to help the ones waking up with me and after me to have a fighting chance to Break The Illusion, See The Lies, The Complete Deception Of This World! Never Go Against Your Gut Instinct, Its There For A Reason!💯 And Remember NO FEAR!!! Just Be Aware & Prepared!!! Compassion, Empathy & Love Are Gonna Come Back With a Vengeance! 💪 See Ya'll Out There Somewhere, I Hope! 🙏 Keep Going, Keep Movin, Keep On Keepin On, Much Love!!! ❤ 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 NOTE: Discernment & Research IS Required To See The Truth In All Of It!

Hörspiele Hörbücher Krimis


Liebe Freunde der Sonne, herzlich Willkommen in unserer Gemeinschaft von Audio-Fans. Wir lieben es, eigene Bilder im Kopf zu erschaffen, ganz ohne Geflimmer vor unseren Augen. Es ist mir ein Anliegen, diese Leidenschaft mit Euch allen zu teilen. Ich freue mich sehr über Feedback in Form von Kommentaren, Likes und Abos. Dieser Kanal ist nicht monetarisiert, um Euch ein möglichst werbefreies Hörvergnügen zu ermöglichen. Wem dieser Kanal mit nun mittlerweile fast 700 Hörspielen/-büchern etwas wert ist, kann gern FREIWILLIG meine Arbeit unterstützen. PayPal: Überweisung: Freunde der Sonne DE16700100800506546805 Ich wünsche uns allen eine entspannte Zeit und viel Freude auf diesem Kanal. Herzlichst Mario

A Bunch Of Donkeys


Welcome to "A Bunch of Donkeys," where an everyday guy takes a stand against the political chaos and mainstream media narratives. I'm Jonathan Wagoner, and like many of you, I've had enough of the spin and half-truths. Each episode, I’ll dive into current events in the political arena, offering a no-nonsense perspective that cuts through the noise. Whether you're tired of the same old rhetoric or just looking for a fresh take on today's issues, this podcast is for you. Join me as we shine a light on the stories that matter, and discover the truth behind the headlines. Let’s cut the crap and get real – because it's time for some honest conversation.