

BradokGames é um canal de jogos na plataforma Rumble1. Infelizmente, não consegui encontrar informações específicas sobre o conteúdo do seu canal na Rumble. No entanto, encontrei informações sobre o canal BradokGames em outras plataformas, como Twitch e YouTube. No Twitch, BradokGames é um canal que apresenta jogos como CS, Lol, Osu! e Civ VI2. No YouTube, o canal Braddock Games74 divulga todos os tipos de jogos, com foco em jogos atuais3. Talvez o conteúdo do seu canal na Rumble seja semelhante. Você pode me fornecer mais informações para que eu possa criar uma descrição mais precisa do seu canal na Rumble? 😊

BigBroRa Weight Loss Journey


This is a health and fitness channel. Here I video blog my weight loss journey. I try to be as open and honest with you. I want those who are struggling with weight loss, like I currently am. To see they are not alone. That other makes the same mistakes you do. You are not alone; and that there is a path forward. I live in Jacksonville, FL. I work fulltime as an accountant and have a master’s in business administration. At the age of 34, I am 6ft 2.5in tall, and weight 360ib. My goal is to get down to 180-215ib.

Ezra Vancil Music


Ezra Vancil is an American singer/songwriter based in Dallas, Texas. While in the past he has written and recorded in the rock, pop, and experimental genres, a more mature Vancil has now found a sense of permanent belonging and connection within the community of Americana artists. His life experiences shared in song can be serious and contemplative - touching on themes of addiction, depression, and divorce - but Vancil chronicles his escape from darkness with expressions of hope and love of life that are both inspiring and healing.