Blood Culture Multigaming


Blood Culture Multigaming @ [BC] é o maior clan FPS da América Latina e um dos maiores do mundo ainda em atividade com mais de 250 membros de todas as partes do Brasil. Mantemos os melhores servidores de jogos do país, aqui é a casa do Call of Duty Rio @ Partice GRÁTIS! Aliste-se e seja um de nós e tenha vaga garantida em nossos servers! Somos amigos de infância e jogamos juntos por décadas desde do Atari 2600, mas em 2000 passamos a jogar regularmente em LAN e em 2005 fundamos o BC para jogar online exclusivamente uma versão do Quake 2 desenvolvida por nós. Fizemos muitos amigos em todo Brasil e pelo mundo. Nos anos seguintes nos tornamos MultiGaming e inacreditavelmente somos mais conhecidos fora que no próprio Brasil, principalmente pelo desenvolvimento do já citado Quake e das famosas séries HER e Call of Duty Frontlines. Para saber mais sobre o desenvolvimento visite Unidos somos mais Fortes!



*Original Stock Lana Lou Lane (breed founder) bloodlines* *OFA Certified Hips and Elbows. OUR TRAINING VIDEOS: *Getting Puppy Accustomed To The Leash: *Here aka Come Command: *Down aka Drop Command: *Training Sit and Stay: *Teaching The "By Finish" Command: Breeder of the rare ALAPAHA BLUE BLOOD BULLDOG Our Alapahas watch over us and our 45 acre farm, while they also guard our livestock. Thus, continuing what they were bred to do... My Book can be found on Amazon: and Barnes & Noble: The leash I use:

Meet your Ukrainian bride HERE!


The world is now overtaken by technology and finding your match has become easier through the help of a matchmaking agency. A lot of men are wanting to marry a woman from Kiev because they are considered ideal lifetime partners. One of the leaders in the matchmaking industry is the Kiev Women. Backed with its 15 years of experience in making dreams come true, we have built our reputation and gained the trust of our clients. We have created a platform that makes foreign men and Kiev women meet and date in the most convenient way. Kiev Women is there to assist you from the start while you’re still establishing a relationship with these women until you bring her back home. Our services include sending love letters to meeting the Ukrainian women in their city through our socials. Certainly, you would enjoy our socials since you will meet hundreds of Ukraine singles who are also seeking marriage among foreign men like YOU while you are in a cozy ambience. What more could you ask for?

Nate's HOn3 East Broad Top Railroad


This is the YouTube channel for my HOn3 East Broad Top Railroad and Coal Company. On this channel we will follow the progress and details of building the EBTRR&CCo. from start to finish; starting with the track plan, benchwork, track laying, wiring, scenery, structure building, and equipment modification such as painting and lettering or re-lettering locomotives and cars. This will be a how-to of sorts and will hopefully inspire you to build your own model railroad. Be sure to subscribe and click that little bell icon so you can be notified when we publish new videos and remember...Keep The Rails Narrow!