Julie&Leelou Lives Bis


☀️💖C'est un très grand plaisir de vous recevoir sur notre page Julie & Leelou Live☀️💖. Toute l'équipe vous souhaite la Bienvenue💖🍀. 💖Rassembler les Êtres Humains, l'Humain que Nous Sommes, dans l'Unité en Cœur, en Corps, et en Conscience 💖 🌞 Vous pouvez nous retrouver sur diverses plateformes.🌞 N'hésitez pas à nous y rejoindre😉🙏 📍 💥Nouvelle Chaîne Odysée💥 https://odysee.com/@JulieLeelouLives:f 📍Ancienne Chaîne Odysée https://odysee.com/@JulieLellouLives:c 📍Chaîne You Tube Libres comme l'Air https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI7ChV12EIRPCyc0fG7QL_A 📍Chaîne You Tube Multi Leelou https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiLeelou 📍Chaîne Twitch Julie & Leelou Lives https://www.twitch.tv/julieleeloulive 📍Page Facebook Julie & Leelou Lives https://www.facebook.com/Julie.Leelou.Lives 📍Page Facebook Libre comme l'Aire https://www.facebook.com/LibresCommeAir

Covid Hoax and Its Deadly Biochemical Weapons, Commonly & Mistakenly Thought of as "Vaccines"


Covid-19 is just a variant of the flu that comes up every year. Yes, people do die of the flu, as has happened with Covid-19. The PCR tests were misused to diagnose Covid, as the PCR tests were never intended for diagnosis. Real vaccines come out of nature, as did the small pox vaccine. No real vaccine can be created in a laboratory. Chemical concoctions being called "vaccines" for Covid are actually very deadly. The have been fatal in many cases. Covid-19, not being spectacularly dangerous itself, was promoted into such a serious illness, that people would seek and demand a vaccine. So the pharmaceutical industry obliged, coming up with various chemical concoctions in their laboratories. Not particularly therapeutic, but it sure does make a lot of money for the pharmaceutical companies. I've added GMO to this channel as a topic to cover.

Iowa Talk Guys


Join your hosts, Theo, Teepee, and Erock, as they go over the current and past events that have led to the interesting times we are living in today and why you should probably care. Please remember that, just like the MSM, you should always do your own research. Don’t believe a word we say. Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoyed the show, if you did please share our show and follow us on: Instagram: @iowatalkguys_podcast X (formally known as Twitter): @IowaTalkGuys Locals: iowatalkguys.locals.com YouTube: / iowatalkguys Iowa Talk Guys: linktr.ee/iowatalkguys If you would like to reach out to us, send us an email: Iowatalkguyspodcast@protonmail.com Teepee@iowatalkguys.com Theo@iowatalkguys.com Erock@iowatalkguys.com

LifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area


LifeHouse Church is a different kind of church. Come experience the difference! Check out our NEW website for more information…http://LifeHouseIC.com/ LifeHouse Church services are streamed LIVE on FACEBOOK every SUNDAY MORNING at 11AM USA Central Time. LifeHouse Church offers edited recordings of our Sunday Morning services. They can be found on the following social media video platforms… http://YouTube.com/@LifeHouseIC http://Rumble.com/LifeHouseIC http://Bitchute.com/LifeHouseIC Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to be notified when new videos are available. This should help raise awareness of our videos on those social media sites as well. As of this July 2024 recording, LifeHouse Church meets in the “Music 4 Life” building located at 480 West Zeller Street in North Liberty, Iowa 52317. However, our church might move to different facilities in the future. You may call (319) 354-3425, text (319) 349-2025 or email INFO@LifeHouseIC.com for information regarding our services. #LifeHouse #LifeHouseIC #lighthousechurch #Music4Life #churchservice #churchserviceonline #Iowa #iowacitychurches, #coralvillechurches #northlibertychurches #Johnson #johnsoncounty #uiowa #UI #UofI #UofIowa #UIHC #Hawkeyes #Kirkwood #iowacity #Coralville #northliberty #Coralvision #NLTV #PATV #christian #christianity #christianmessages #christianityexplored #christianitytictok #christianmusic #christiansongs #christianmotivation #christiansong #gospelmente #gospelmusic #gospelsongs #gospelmessage #gospelsong #gospel #solidrock #pentecostal #pentecostalesactivostv #pentecostes #pentecostale #pentecostalmission #Pentecost #pentecostalesdecivac #charismatic #charismaticpresence #revival #awakening #awakeningsoul #awakeningsouls #bible #biblestudy #biblical #biblicalguidance #Pray #prayer #prayers #witness #witnesstotheword #Miracles #Grace #religión #religion #provision #peace #peaceful #Jesus #God #jesussaves #worship #sin #Christ #Redeemer #yahshua #yahweh #god #Father #Holy #holyspirit #holybible #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spirituality #Ghost #resurrection #resurrectionofjesus #Risen #Blood #Cross #Testament #christianmusic #faith #faithjourney #Baptism #Salvation #Christmas #christmascarols #Foundation #Power #Overcome #Freedom #confidence #confidenceunleashed #confidencebuilding #confidenceboost #hope #hopefulfuture #hopeful #HokeyPokey

Just Bill and Tony? Verified


Bill and Tony are Brothers-in-law that enjoy discussing politics and religion, you know those topics that are frowned upon at parties. Hear their thoughts about the happenings in our world. Bill is a witty comedian known for his storytelling prowess. His sharp humor and knack for finding the funny side of any situation make him a captivating presence. With years of experience in stand-up comedy, he brings laughter and lightness to serious topics. Tony is an introverted commentator with a background in history and allied health science. Despite his introverted nature, Tony offers thoughtful insights that balance Bill’s humor with a more grounded perspective. Together, Bill and Tony create a harmonious blend of wit and wisdom. Their friendship, forged when Tony married Bill’s sister (aka Producer Moira), allows for spontaneous banter and an authentic rapport that resonates with their audience.