Welcome to Off Grid Desert Farming News. The BEST NEWS CHANNEL on RUMBLE where we do BREAKING WORLD NEWS of current geo-political events that will affect you and your family and discuss how bible prophecy is unfolding right before our very eyes. So buckle up your seat belts and get ready for a wild ride as we rush headlong into the Apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus Christ. If you appreciate our broadcast consider supporting our channel with: Buy Me a Coffee or links below: PAYPAL: PATREON: GIVE-SEND-GO:

Desert Trails


Having wanderlust I explore lost, forgotten and remote places. With that, several people that I have taken out into the desert kept saying I needed to start a channel and share my adventures with others. So here it is. On this channel I will do my best to present to you all kinds of adventures/stories and sites that are remote and not easy to get to. Along with video and images I take at these different sites, I also take 360 images to better document the sites as they were when I visited them. These 360 images are being posted at: Join me on my little adventures! PS : Please do not ask me where these sites are located or if I can give you a map to the locations etc etc.... Locations will not be revealed so please respect that. Only if the site is protected and it is part of the national parks network I will use the actual name of the site. Other than that, please don\\\\\\\'t ask. Thank You.\\r\\n\\r\\nSupport via donation:\\r\\nSubscribeStar:

BZ's Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show


Featuring right thinking from a left brain and formerly broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Kalifornia (now originating in a Free State), BZ's Saloon is a late night talk radio show that pulls no punches. Let there be no mistake: I love my country, but abjure all Leftists, and anyone who won't put America and its lawful citizens first, obey the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, the rule of law, and embrace due process. If that makes me an "extremist," then SO BE IT.