The Grotto of the Apocalypse Verified


This live streaming scence of a Marian grotto originates in Tampa, Florida, USA. The live stream includes audio from which, is normally just birds, but may sometimes include power tools & lawn mowers, 1st responder vehicles, thunder, aircraft & music as the grotto is located in an urban area. Mute or turn-down your volume if such noises are distracting during meditating/prayer. Please consider supporting our modest online apostelate. God's peace



Connie Bryan is a veteran of the Armed Forces (Security Police/US Air Force) and a former talk radio personality from Central Florida. She is currently a writer, standup comic, and TV talk host in Sacramento, CA, producing and hosting her provocative, hard hitting and intellectually honest cable access TV show “THE CONNIE BRYAN SHOW”. The show began airing in Santa Barbara from 2002 to 2008, and is currently airing in her growing network of 16 cable access markets nationwide including Washington D.C .Check out Connie\'s website at for a comprehensive collection of all of her material, including her provocative editorial blog, standup comedy, sketch comedy and comic impersonations, including her sketch impersonations of Donald Trump, Mike Myers\' "Wayne" from "Wayne\'s World", Neil Young ripping Donald Trump with new lyrics to "Southern Man", Senator Elizabeth Warren, Larry David, Dr. Laura, Howard Stern, Martha Stewart and much more)



Bryan Johnson is the world's most measured human. Johnson sold his company, Braintree Venmo, to PayPal for $800m in 2013. Through his Project Blueprint, Johnson has achieved metabolic health equal to the top 1.5% of 18 year olds, inflammation 66% lower than the average 10 year old, and reduced his speed of aging by the equivalent of 31 years. Johnson freely shares his protocols and data publicly for everyone to use. Project Blueprint, is an endeavor to achieve humanity and earth scale cooperation starting within Self. Johnson is also the founder of Kernel, creator of the world’s first mainstream non-invasive neuroimaging system; and OS Fund, where he invested $100M in the predictable engineering of atoms, molecules, and organisms. He is an outdoor adventure enthusiast, pilot, and author of children’s books, Code 7 and The Proto Project.

Danielle M Bryant


I have recently joined Rumble due to censorship of my work on other platforms!\r\nI am a self-published author and researcher into issues that effect us in our everyday lives. While this is primarily focused on natural health, spirituality and holistic living, I also pay close attention to other issues I feel may either be having a negative impact upon us or political issues that may prevent us from living holistically healthful lives, either presently or as a threat to our future health freedom. I have had many articles published in the international health magazine Health Freedom News. As well as being an author, I am holistic therapist qualified in Nutritional Therapy, Kinesiology, Reflexology and Homeopathy and have diplomas in Nutrition for Cancer Prevention and Longevity and Holistic Diagnosis Skills. I am also qualified as a Reiki Master/Teacher, Angel Master/Teacher and Hatha Yoga Teacher. I work with the principles of German New Medicine and am committed to sharing Dr Hamer\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s research in its unadulterated form to empower others to this suppressed science.

Videos von Dave Bryan


Pastor Dave & Cheryl Bryan ( aus Kalifornien/USA sind sehr bekannt für ihre apostolische- und pastorale Arbeit in ihrer Gegend und in anderen Nationen. Durch ihre "Jesaja 61- Befreiungs- und Geistliche Kampfführungs-Konferenzen" wurden Tausende angesprochen und befreit von dämonischer Bedrängnis und Unterdrückung. Sie sind internationale Trainer im Befreiungsdienst und sehr bekannt unter den YWAM-Bases (Standorte von "Jugend mit einer Mission") in der ganzen Welt. Cheryl ist anerkannt als "Revivalist," in dem sie sich in den Fußspuren ihres Großvaters A.A. Allen bewegt, das Feuer des Heiligen Geistes in den Leib Jesu zu tragen.