Bill Bailey | Sons of Liberty 1773


SONS OF LIBERTY 1773 - CHANNELING THE PATRIOTISM OF AMERICA'S FOUNDING FATHERS! Welcome to Sons of Liberty 1773. I'm your host, Bill Bailey. If you like Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – you’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll find stirring content dealing with the latest national and geopolitical issues that affect our God given rights to live out our lives as free and independent people. The birth of America is an incredible story in world history. Everyday this channel likes to share a bit of America’s founding history, so we never forget the incredible sacrifices Patriots made to win our freedom. This channel strongly believes in preparedness, especially in the unstable and dangerous world we find ourselves in today. So you’ll find helpful content here on how to stock up on what’s needed to survive a long-term natural or manmade disasters. May you find this channel both educational and entertaining. In Liberty, ~Bill Bailey

The Wes Baiz Show


This daily news and commentary show is for those who are ready to learn the truth and to be informed about the current events that matter to them and their families. These are the events not being covered and being covered up by the mainstream media. Host Wes Baiz (Forbes Member, Entrepreneur, and Founder of Social Scale Media) delivers topics that range from world events in commerce, politics and trade that can help the average person make the right decisions for themselves. Tune-in on YouTube from Monday thru Friday at 2:00 pm eastern to catch this live show. You can also listen to the daily recording on all major podcast platforms as well as on