Sonar21 - Larry C. Johnson's Channel


Sonar21: Analytical Depth, American Freedom Sonar21 is the name of Larry C. Johnson’s online effort. Larry is a former CIA officer and intelligence analyst, and former planner and advisor at the US State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. As an independent contractor, he has provided training for the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. — For most people, SONAR carries the connotation of in-depth analysis, which often have to be cast against the prevailing current. Here S O N A R also stands for “The Son of the New American Revolution.” Larry’s American ancestry began well before the war for independence, and includes a number of illustrious freedom-loving individuals active in that founding era. Neither the depth nor the message of Sonar21 is unique to a particular ancestry or nation. That attitude of exceptionalism is simply un-American. Above all, the ethos behind Sonar21 esteems those high foundational ideals of the American republic: self-determination, self-government, the sovereignty of nations as well as of the individual. This effort enthusiastically exercises, supports and promotes free speech, open inquiry and diverse discussion in a world where such basic, precious liberties are in peril.

Americans for Intelligence Reform


Politically conservative, intelligent news; bringing you facts and analysis from a 25-year CIA officer. What mainstream media plays down or ignores, we cover in depth. Brad Johnson, now retired, brings his extensive first-hand knowledge from his domestic and international intelligence responsibilities. Elected officials have lost sight of the Rule of Law and public safety. and our international enemies wish to seek our destruction and domination. Developments in those arenas are covered regularly here and hosted by various media outlets. Please subscribe and share. Brad Johnson is President of Americans for Intelligence Reform and you can visit to learn more and for all video interviews and printed articles. Links

WARNING TV - Jonathan Hansen Verified


To faithfully speak to the nations of the world, proclaiming the kingdom of God; giving warning to political and church leaders, the church, and society of the signs of the return of Jesus Christ. We are sounding the alarm for the nations to turn from sin and to draw near to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to influence and transform the nations whereby enabling peace, blessings and prosperity to come to the people. We are endeavoring to meet emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual needs through the love of Jesus Christ.

The Chosen Brasil


POR QUE UMA SÉRIE DE TV SOBRE JESUS? Isaías 43:19 diz: "Eis que estou fazendo uma coisa nova..." The Chosen (Os Escolhidos) é uma coisa nova. * Como foi financiado é novo: Somos o projeto de mídia com maior financiamento coletivo de todos os tempos - mais de US$ 10 milhões doados voluntariamente por mais de 19.000 pessoas. * O conteúdo é novo: Somos a primeira de TV multi-temporadas sobre a vida de Cristo. * A maneira de assistir é nova: somos a primeira série a ter o próprio aplicativo que se conecta diretamente aos seus dispositivos de streaming. Nenhuma assinatura necessária. Basta pesquisar "The Chosen" na sua loja de aplicativos, baixar no seu telefone e começar a assistir. * A forma como está chegando ao mundo é nova: o app está disponível em todos os países gratuitamente, mas ao colaborar, você ajuda a garantir o financiamento das próximas temporadas. Assim alcançaremos 1 bilhão de pessoas ao redor do mundo! Bem-vindo a uma coisa nova!

Choose Love Not Fear


CHOOSE LOVE NOT FEAR NEWS - UNVEILING TRUTHS FOR A BETTER TOMORROW A channel created to bring the truth to light, help as many people as possible better understand current events and prepare for the days to come. Here in Choose Love Not Fear News, we speak the truth and only the truth. We bring the facts to the table in order to help people connect the dots. Through our articles and investigative journalism, we create an introduction and analysis to different situations around the world. Our work is more than just journalism, we also work with different organizations in Israel and around the world who create impactful changes by implementing laws and helping people globally. We are currently in early growing stages. We need your help and support to grow our channel and create more content in both English and Hebrew so we can bring the truth to light in a much larger scale.