Overcome Babylon


Welcome to Overcome Babylon, where we are exposing the deception of Mystery Babylon AND rejecting mainstream religion while STILL having a deep relationship with God... Abraham Ojeda throws down his views on the Hebrew roots of Biblical faith, current news, the New World Order, Biblical end times prophecies and more. Ready to come out of Babylon? Time is running out, and God's judgment is now being poured out! Getting prepared--spiritually, physically, and emotionally--is at the heart of this podcast.

Abraham - Overcome Babylon - En Español


Bienvenido a Overcome Babylon en español, donde exponemos el engaño de Mystery Babylon Y rechazamos la religión dominante. Exploramos muchas temas que incluyen la profecía bíblica de los últimos tiempos, el segundo éxodo, la abominación desoladora, la marca de la bestia, el número 666, la vaca roja, las 70 semanas de Daniel, y mucho más. Abraham Ojeda comparte sus puntos de vista sobre las raíces hebreas de la fe bíblica y también la línea de tiempo profética de Yehovah en relación con los eventos mundiales actuales como la pandemia de Covid-19, los cierres de los principales bancos de EE. UU., la hambruna mundial, la guerra en Ucrania y la amenaza constante de una guerra nuclear. ¡El tiempo pronto se acaba y el juicio de Dios ahora se está derramando! Prepararse espiritual, física y emocionalmente es el corazón de este canal. Hecha un vistazo al https://www.setentasemanas.com/ para obtener más informes y artículos.

Advaita Vedanta Ashram Europe


Rumble video channel for Advaita Vedanta Ashram Europe, featuring videos from our Zoom classes, Guided Meditations, Live Teachings, one on one videos with students and more... In the tradition of Adi Shankaracharya it is said that the means to profoundly understand your True Nature or Self as Brahman, Awareness, Consciousness is revealed through the Teachings of Advaita Vedanta, the Guru Parampara and the Guru. Through this methodology, you will be able to recognize and be convinced permanently of That which Is You. In Sanskrit, the syllable gu means darkness and the syllable ru means remover, thus the term Guru literally means the one who removes darkness. Superficial intellectual understanding like gathering information, has no power to remove the darkness of ignorance on its own. In fact, if you have just a superficial intellectual understanding alone, this may even increase your pride. It is only by relying on a qualified Guru who is part of a holy tradition and whose methods have been proven to work again and again, that you can profoundly understand your True Nature or Self as Brahman, Awareness, Consciousness. In our tradition, the methodology employed by the Guru is Sravanam, Mananam and Nidhi Dhyasanam. Sravanam means to listen to the teachings; Mananam to contemplate deeply the meaning of the teachings and to remove any doubts through dialogue with the Guru and Nidhi Dhyasanam means to meditate deeply on the meaning of the instructions, such as the Mahavakyams [Great Statements of Truth], having first removed all doubts. Through the grace of the Guru, the blessings of the holy lineage and Sravanam, Mananam and Nidhi Dhyasanam, we give ourselves the greatest opportunity to profoundly understand – on a permanent basis - our True Self as Awareness, Consciousness, Brahman. www.advaitaashrameurope.com

Satlok Ashram


Satlok Ashram is a non-profit organisation established by the registered trust Sat Kabir Bhakti Mukti Trust in the year 2000 in Rohtak, Haryana. Later its other branches like Satlok Ashram Barwala, and Satlok Ashram Betul, MP were built. Satlok Ashram is directed by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj™. The entire management is done by the donations given by devotees. This Ashram is non-political in all respects. The main aim of Satlok Ashram is the upliftment of the society by providing true spiritual knowledge. Tel: +91 8222880541, 542, 543, 544, 545 +91 7027000825, 826, 827, 828, 829 Email: contact@Jagatgururampalji.org International - Namdaan Centre Contact Numbers United Kingdom: +44 7411853409 United States of America: +1 346-714-0224 Canada: +1 (604) 621-4092, (647) 739-4641 Italy: +39 3298194596, 3454629786, 3208455762, 3207151799, 3668084055 Australia: +61 299204319, Mob + 61 481781769, +61 405761149 Belgium: +32 465296460 Nepal: +977 9802951254

From Babylon to Eden


The purpose of this channel is primarily to help us cooperate in learning and implementing God's natural law and help us navigate the 'Babylonian' legal system in an effort to exit Babylon. And to help followers of Christ to move to an alternate, divergent societal system that will help us move back toward 'Eden' in community self-sufficiency. We will also cover other topics that may or may not directly have anything to do with the primary objective, as we also wish to build a network of believers who can learn to work together to form the alternate and divergent system mentioned in preparation for Babylon's fall according to Revelation 18.