Crashes & Taxes Podcast


The 401k is a failed experiment. Taxes are the single greatest threat to retirement security. Governments are desperate to cash in when Baby Boomers pass on their wealth. How do you grow wealth in a world where rising taxes and market crashes are the New Normal? How do you escape a status quo heading for a meltdown? That’s why we created Crashes & Taxes - a place for everyday wealth builders like you. Hosted by Rebecca Walser, Top 100 US Advisor, a Tax Attorney and Wealth Strategist. Together we’ll challenge the status quo of crashes, taxes and politicians that keep us from growing our wealth.

Historiando Axé com Tom Oloorê


O Canal Historiando Axé é um canal de Candomblé, voltado a falar da História do Candomblé, História das Religiões de Matriz Africana e da Cultura Negra e Filosofia Afro-brasileira. O canal Historiando Axé tem o intuito de trazer um pouco da história, da cultura, da tradição e da filosofia religiosa do candomblé e das demais religiões de matriz africana. Trazendo à tona assuntos e questões pertinentes ao povo de axé, esclarecendo dúvidas e respondendo os porquês da religião e da tradição do povo de axé. Tom Oloorê é Bàbálòrìṣà, Historiador e pesquisador das religiões de matriz africana, iniciado no candomblé desde 2003 e Bàbálòrìṣà do Ilé Ẹgbẹ́ Àṣẹ Ìmọ́lẹ̀ Olóore.

Jack Axe


Helicopter/ Rotorcraft Pilot advancing my remote quadcopter skills. Aspiring aerial firefighter and instructor. Humble servant. Lifetime gamer. More games and gameplay to be added soon. Any support is greatly appreciated! I work out, game, and subscribe-to and comment-on as many channels as I can. Please subscribe! Sometimes I clip livestreams when it’s really important or hilarious 😂 "Helicopters don't fly... they beat the air into submission." -my instructor: Chris Laskey Veteran & CFI

The Axe Guitar Channel


The Axe is your one-stop shop for tremolo tips and electric guitar knowledge. We strive to produce the best content for our viewers and the companies we serve. If you like the content and wanna support a Vet, you can buy the team a coffee: If you ever want to get in touch, please DM me on instagram, facebook, or through a comment in the videos! Appreciate your support. Follow me on Instagram! @nikaxeguitar



Set specific and achievable goals: Define your fitness goals and break them down into achievable milestones. Make sure they are realistic and measurable so that you can track your progress. Create a plan and schedule: Develop a workout plan that fits your goals and schedule. Stick to it, but be flexible enough to adjust if needed. Find a workout buddy or accountability partner: Having someone to exercise with or who can hold you accountable can help you stay motivated and committed. Mix it up: Doing the same workout every day can get boring. Try different types of exercises or classes to keep your workouts interesting and challenging. Reward yourself: Celebrate your accomplishments and progress by treating yourself to something you enjoy, like a massage or a new workout outfit. Track your progress: Keep track of your progress, such as weight loss, strength gains, or increased endurance. Seeing progress can be motivating and give you a sense of accomplishment. Focus on the benefits: Remind yourself of the benefits of exercise, such as improved health, increased energy, and better mood. This can help you stay motivated and committed to your fitness routine. Remember that fitness is a journey, and it takes time and effort to reach your goals. Stay committed and consistent, and you will see results.

Naturheilpraxis Launhardt


Kanal der Naturheilpraxis Launhardt — Heilkunde im toxischen Zeitalter der gentherapeutischen Biowaffen. Die Medizin ist für den Menschen da und nicht der Mensch für die Medizin... Wie man sich körperliche und geistige Gesundheit im Zeitalter der Massenpsychose und des Transhumanismus bewahrt. Mit mehr Wissen länger am Leben bleiben. Naturheilkunde & ganzheitliche Therapien seit 1996. Praxiswebseite: Impressum: Datenschutzerklärung: Blutdiagnostik: #Dunkelfeldmikroskopie #BlickInsBlut #Blutuntersuchungen #Blutbild #Endobiose #Isopathie #NaturheilpraxisLaunhardt #Immunaktivität #Naturheilkunde #Autoimmunerkrankungen #PostVacSyndrom #Impfnebenwirkungen #Schlaganfall #Gefäßerkrankungen #Anämie #Thrombose #Toxine #Impfschäden #Übersäuerung #Stoffwechsel #Fitness #Uterusproblem #Hashimoto #Krebs #Vaccine #Naturheilkunde #Insulinresistenz #CFS #Erschöpfung #Übergewicht #Adipositas



Exposing the brainwashing done by International Jewry and the Comintern-Democracies of the World. Japanese: 国際ユダヤ人と世界のコミンテルン民主主義によって行われた洗脳を公開します。🇯🇵 Italian: Smascherare il lavaggio del cervello compiuto dagli ebrei internazionali e dalle democrazie del Comintern del mondo. 🇮🇹 German: Aufdeckung der Gehirnwäsche des internationalen Judentums und der Komintern-Demokratien der Welt. 🇩🇪 Albanian: Ekspozimi i shpëlarjes së trurit të bërë nga hebrenjtë ndërkombëtarë dhe Komintern-Demokracitë e Botës. 🇦🇱 Chinese: 揭露國際猶太人和世界共產國際民主國家的洗腦行為。🇨🇳 Korean: 국제 유태인과 코민테른-세계 민주주의자들에 의해 행해진 세뇌를 폭로. 🇰🇵 🇰🇷 Greek: Εκθέτοντας την πλύση εγκεφάλου που έκανε ο Διεθνής Εβραίος και η Κομιντέρν-Δημοκρατίες του Κόσμου. 🇬🇷 Maltese: Tesponi l-ħasil tal-moħħ magħmul mill-Lhud Internazzjonali u l-Komintern-Demokraziji tad-Dinja. 🇲🇹 Polish: Ujawnianie prania mózgu dokonanego przez międzynarodowe żydostwo i Komintern-Demokracje Świata. 🇵🇱 Mongolian: Олон улсын еврей ба дэлхийн Коминтерн-Ардчилсан орнуудын хийсэн тархи угаалгыг илчлэх. 🇲🇳 French: Exposer le lavage de cerveau effectué par la communauté juive internationale et le Komintern-Démocraties du monde. 🇫🇷 Arabic: فضح غسيل الأدمغة الذي قام به يهود العالم والكومنترن-ديموقراطيات العالم. 🇵🇸 🇪🇬 🇮🇶 🇯🇴 🇱🇧 🇱🇾 🇦🇪 🇲🇦 🇸🇦 🇸🇾 Latin: Exponendi brainwashatio facta ab International Ivdaea et Cominterna-Democratiae Mvndi. 🔱 Turkish: Uluslararası Yahudilerin ve Dünya Komintern-Demokrasilerinin yaptığı beyin yıkamayı ifşa etmek. 🇹🇷 Portuguese: Expondo a lavagem cerebral feita pelo Judaísmo Internacional e as Democracias Comintern do Mundo. 🇵🇹 🇧🇷 Finnish: Kansainvälisen juutalaisen ja maailman demokratioiden tekemän aivopesun paljastaminen. 🇫🇮 Swedish: Att avslöja den hjärntvätt som den internationella judendomen och världens Komintern-demokratier utfört. 🇸🇪 Norwegian: Avsløre hjernevaskingen utført av internasjonal jødedom og Komintern-demokratiene i verden. 🇳🇴 Hindi: इंटरनेशनल ज्यूरी और द कॉमिन्टर्न-डेमोक्रेसीज़ ऑफ़ द वर्ल्ड द्वारा किए गए ब्रेनवॉश का पर्दाफाश करना।. 🇮🇳 Persian: افشای شستشوی مغزی انجام شده توسط یهودیان بین المللی و کمینترن-دموکراسی های جهان. 🇮🇷 Bulgarian: Разобличаване на промиването на мозъци, извършено от международното еврейство и коминтерновските демокрации по света. 🇧🇬 Hungarian: A nemzetközi zsidóság és a világ Komintern-demokráciái által végzett agymosás leleplezése. 🇭🇺 Croatian: Razotkrivanje ispiranja mozga međunarodnog židovstva i kominternovskih demokracija svijeta. 🇭🇷 Spanish: Exponiendo el lavado de cerebro realizado por la Judería Internacional y la Comintern-Democracias del Mundo. 🇪🇸 Ukrainian: Викриття промивання мізків міжнародним єврейством і комінтернівськими демократіями світу. 🇺🇦 Uganda: Kufichua uoshwaji wa ubongo unaofanywa na International Jewry na Comintern-Democracies of the World. 🇺🇬 Slovak: Odhalenie vymývania mozgov zo strany medzinárodného židovstva a Kominterny-demokracie sveta. 🇸🇰 Romanian: Dezvăluirea spălării creierului făcută de evreia internațională și de Comintern-Democrațiile lumii. 🇷🇴 Czech: Odhalování vymývání mozků mezinárodního židovstva a Kominterny-Demokracie světa. 🇨🇿 Slovenian: Razkrivanje pranja možganov, ki ga izvaja mednarodno judovstvo in kominterna-demokracije sveta. 🇸🇮