If I Speak, I Live | The Musings of Patrice O'Neal Verified


A channel dedicated to the philosophy and wisdom of Patrice O'neal. This channel is intended to help men realize what they are in order to help women understand men more accurately through the use of brutal honesty and humor. We strive to collect and preserve all of Patrice's interactions with the world. As such you will find things here that are normally on other channels on other websites. If you are one such channel owner and you find we have not attributed credit properly please contact the channel administrator. "A woman's power is in your fear of whatever they're going to do" -Patrice O'Neal (12/07/1969 - 11/29/2011)

Société Créatrice


Le 11 mai 2019 un événement unique de portée mondiale, la vidéoconférence internationale « SOCIÉTÉ. DERNIÈRE CHANCE » s’est tenu sur la plateforme du Mouvement Public International ALLATRA. Cet événement exceptionnel a commencé dans la ville d’Atlanta, Géorgie (États-Unis).Parmi les pays qui y participaient : les États-Unis, l’Ukraine, la Russie, la Biélorussie, la Suisse, la République Tchèque, l’Espagne, la Slovaquie, les Émirats arabes unis, le Kazakhstan, l’Allemagne, l'Ouzbékistan, la Grande-Bretagne, la Moldavie, l’Italie, la Lettonie, le Canada, la Nouvelle-Zélande et d’autres pays. C’est la première fois dans le monde que des gens indépendamment de leur nationalité, religion, statut social se sont réunis et ont exprimé la vérité ouvertement ; une grande question qui préoccupe toute la civilisation : « Comment l’humanité, chacun de nous, peut changer le vecteur de développement consommateur de la société vers une société constructrice ? ».

The Energematrice6 Podcast


In a universe that almost is, just out of reach beyond the edge of reality, mysterious forces underlie the fabric of existence. Energematrice6, the very energy of creation, serves as both the elixir of life and the arsenal of destruction for its human--and not-so-human denizens. Crushing darkness, whose source they cannot fathom, grips the cosmos and its people. In anguish, they dream of the long-foretold Brightstar. Join us as we explore the Energematrice6 Universe!

Jean Patrice


Welcome to my channel. This space is created to discuss and share meaningful ideas and information related to mindset shift, leadership, life purpose, mindfulness, entrepreneurship. We believe that each one of us has a God-given gift or a talent hidden inside of us to share with the world and impact people. So, we aim to provide in this community information and reflection that can give you clarity, inspiration and motivation to take action toward your goal achievement. We are excited to serve you on the importance of shifting your mindset for success, wealth and healthy living. Stay tuned to the channel to receive and watch the upcoming videos.



Patrice Peris is an accomplished singer/songwriter. Some of Patrice’s performance highlights include Gillette Stadium, Fenway Park, T.D. Bank, DCU Center, Hard Rock Caf Summer and Winter Special Olympics, Boston’s 3-Day Walk for Cancer, Topsfield Fair, and Rhode Island College, where she opened for Universal/Motown artist Jada. Her music can be heard on the airwaves of Boston’s Kiss 108 FM and other regional stations, and she has received mentions in Pulse Magazine and on the International Artist Debut Radio. Even Europe is catching on, with a top German DJ regularly spinning her tracks. She has also earned private auditions for the CWs. The Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Doll and NBCs The Voice. But beyond being an accomplished singer she is a seasoned voice coach with almost 10 years of coaching behind her!