Leading authority on women's health and wellness. Verified


Christiane Northrup, M.D. is a visionary pioneer & beloved authority in the field of women's health & wellness. Learn more at http://www.drnorthrup.com/ You can also find Dr. Northrup on Twitter https://twitter.com/DrChrisNorthrup (1) The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health program. (2) This web site may contain links to third party product or service offerings and those parties may compensate Christiane Northrup, Inc. (CNI) for referrals. Information regarding third party products or service offerings are provided to CNI by such third parties. (3) Your use of and/or visitation to the Web site signifies your agreement to CNI’s Terms of Use and CNI’s Privacy Policy http://www.drnorthrup.com/privacy-policy/ http://www.drnorthrup.com/terms-of-use/

Maurizio Antonelli Ricercatore


Sono un libero ricercatore e uno scrittore che si interessa di vari argomenti pertinenti l'ambiente, la storia vista da una chiave che non ci viene detta, l'ufologia e gli extraterrestri, l'essere umano dal punto di vista della conoscenza. Seguimi su Toutube: https://www.youtube.com/@maurizioantonelliricercatore Seguimi su Twitter: https://twitter.com/MAricercatore?t=JFTFyfeEzrvtg2uwHjMIuA&s=09@MAricercatore Seguimi su Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maurizioantonelli6?lang=it-IT Contattami via mail: maurizioantonelliricercatore@gmail.com

The Cigar Authority


THE CIGAR AUTHORITY (TCA) is a weekly CIGAR PODCAST featuring guest interviews from tobacco growers, cigar makers and manufacturers, CIGAR NEWS and CIGAR REVIEWS. Join TCA for the longest lasting cigar podcast, voted The Ambassadors of Cigars by Cigar Journal Magazine, Voted the Top 10 Educational Podcasts by Podbean 4 years in a row and the most Listened to Cigar Podcast in the World and on the Internet. For you, THE CIGAR AUTHORITY, The Authority on everything Cigars. Listen to The Cigar Authority before you spend your good money on what could be a bad cigar or a great cigar. Whether you’re an amateur, a newbie, or a Cigar Aficionado you’ll learn something on every episode. Be sure to check out the TCA Daily Blog on www.TheCigarAuthority.com , CIGAR RADIO at its finest and a proud member of The United Podcast Network.

Dott. Stefano Montanari e Dott.ssa Antonietta Gatti


Due scienziati riconosciuti in tutto il mondo con all\\\'attivo moltissime scoperte scientifiche inerenti l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'inquinamento da nanoparticelle. Stefano Montanari, bolognese di nascita (1949), modenese di adozione, laureato in Farmacia nel 1972 con una tesi in Microchimica, ha cominciato fin dai tempi dell’università ad occuparsi di ricerca applicata al campo della medicina. Autore di diversi brevetti nel campo della cardiochirurgia, della chirurgia vascolare, della pneumologia e progettista di sistemi ed apparecchiature per l’elettrofisiologia, ha eseguito consulenze scientifiche per varie aziende, dirigendo, tra l’altro, un progetto per la realizzazione di una valvola cardiaca biologica. Dal 1979 collabora con la moglie Antonietta Gatti in numerose ricerche sui biomateriali. Dal 2004 ha la direzione scientifica del laboratorio Nanodiagnostics di Modena in cui si svolgono ricerche e si offrono consulenze di altissimo livello sulle nanopatologie.

Author, Holistic Health Coach & Herbalist


Get empowered to live a happier, healthier, and more vibrant life, using holistic and ancient healing truths that support your body, mind, and spirit, without any bullcrap or nonsense. Through connection, infused with humor and knowledge, internationally renowned health coach, Andrea Beaman, shares wellness truths to help you make more confident choices for your body, and your health. Since 1999 Andrea has been teaching people how to reconnect to their inner wisdom, and live happily and healthfully. Get ready to get educated, entertained, and empowered about your health. Start your healing process right now by downloading your free Food and Herbs as Medicine Guide at https://andreabeaman.com/FAM For more information visit AndreaBeaman.com