

Uploading videos from YouTube to Rumble from Asmongold TV. No Affiliation with the real guy! (yet) Im working full time so Expect me to upload things about 1-2 a week. At the beginning it's probably going to be more, but over time I may end up only uploading the stuff on weekends. @the Real People of Asmongold: If you want to reach me just tell asmongold to upload a short clip about "this asshole on Ruble that reposts my shit" so I know to reach out to you. Im not willing to create a social media account just on the off chance you may want to reach me. Other than that: Enjoy Twitch Jesus' stuff here, and fuck YouTube

Digging up the best Asmon nuggets—bald takes, big laughs, zero gold left behind.


Welcome to AsmonGoldmine, where we unearth the finest moments of Asmongold’s existence! 🪙 From bald-headed wisdom to giga-rants, epic copes, and those chef’s kiss reacts, we’ve got it all. This is your treasure trove of gaming gold, spicy takes, and MMO meltdowns—all served up fresh and meme-worthy. If you’re not laughing, you’re coping. 🏆 Content lovingly mined under Creative Commons rules. Shoutout to the GOAT.