The Uncensored Patriots


The Uncensored Patriots was established in 2012 and canceled back in 2020. Walmart and other major retailers removed our brand from their stores both online and in-store. After the election was stolen and conservatives began to be completed censored, silenced and banned for spreading the truth we knew it was time we had to fight for our God given freedom. The owner is Lexy Armbrust a legal studies and criminal justice major. She is one of the most shadow banned conservatives on the internet for her strong stance on two genders, election integrity and toxic vaccines. She also brings awareness to child trafficking and calls out Onlyfans for their involvement. The Uncensored Patriots is also partnered with her other brand Morals & Modesty. Their mission statement “Bring back modest classy women, we need more women less hoes.” If you believe Trump won and the election was stolen this is the place for you! The Uncensored Patriots speaks out against toxic vaccines that contain aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde and other heavy metals. We believe in freedom and we believe there should not be mask or vaccine mandates. We believe in protecting babies both in and out of the womb. We support the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, Bill of Rights and more. As Christians we believe strongly in only two genders. The Alphabet people need to leave our children alone. Thank you for all the support you all have given us!

Martin G. Armbruster (Deutsch)


Das Ziel von Kundalini-Shakti bez. Shaktipat-Sessions ist die sehr schnelle und leichte spirituellen Entwicklung und die dadurch direkte Erleichterung im täglichen Leben. Es fördert, vertieft und intensiviert die Verbindung mit der Quelle. Altlasten lösen sich nach und nach ab. Durch die Session wird Dir viel Lebensenergie (Ki, Chi, Qi oder Prana) zufließen, Deine Schwingung wird sich stark erhöhen, Dein Herzchakra, Dein Herz und Deine Seele werden jedes Mal freier. Gib Dich einfach hin und lass die Seele heil werden… Ich freue mich auf Dich!

Martin G. Armbruster (English)

1 Follower

The goal of Kundalini-Shakti, or Shaktipat sessions, is the very fast and easy spiritual development and the direct easement of daily life therefore. It deepens, enhances and intensifies the connection with the Source, the Om or the Divine. Old issues dissolve little by little. Through these sessions, a lot of life force (Ki, Chi, Qi or Prana) will flow to you and your vibration will increase greatly. Your heart chakra, your heart and your soul will become freer in every session. Surrender completely to the Divine and let Your soul become whole and shine. Looking forward to working with You!



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