Foreign Agent Intel
11,822 FollowersAttracting Deluded Dissidents and Wayward Western Friends, seeking their favourite flavour of propaganda...
Attracting Deluded Dissidents and Wayward Western Friends, seeking their favourite flavour of propaganda...
Life is an Adventure and Love is the Key.
Long Live Flat Earth!
my channel
In today’s political, religious & radically charged society; staying well informed is more important than ever. Who do you trust? What can you believe? Where will you turn for news? With more & more fake news, sensational click bait headlines & propaganda articles clouding the truth; using biased & unreliable sources to stay informed can lead to radical views & often closed-minded political beliefs. If you don’t challenge those opinionated sources, you will end up distrusting legitimate facts & verified information.
Secrets of Florida real estate that should not be secrets
Inauguramos este canal para poder compartir toda la información que vaya surgiendo sobre hechos de la vida cotidiana, resumenes de noticias y novedades sobre EL GRAN DESPERTAR DE LA HUMANIDAD y EL MOVIMIENTO PATRIOTA EN TODO EL MUNDO. Síguenos y estaremos actualizando lo más que podamos la información. Bienvenidos a todos!!!
I Interrogate Information Until It Confesses The Truth ...
A God
Sou o Gilson Cardoso Fahur, Natural de Londrina - PR, por 35 anos atuei como policial militar rodoviário. Fui integrante da ROTAM da 4ª Companhia da Polícia Rodoviária Estadual do Paraná, na cidade de Maringá. Me tornei nacionalmente conhecido pelo sucesso nas operações que liderei e também pela linha dura em minhas atuações como policial militar rodoviário, realizei grandes apreensões de entorpecentes que ganharam o noticiário local e nacional. Também me tornei notório pelas declarações enérgicas contra criminosos em entrevistas a reportagens jornalísticas que viralizaram pelas redes sociais, particularmente aquelas contra o narcotráfico. Eu Sargento Fahur sou contra a legalização das drogas, a favor da pena de morte e defendo o direito da população civil a ter posse e porte de armas. Força e Honra !
Conformando uno de los mejores informes de la Ufología alternativa de denuncia, nace el séptimo libro "PROYECTO OVNIS ARGENTUM" La Ufología no solo se trata de ver " lucecitas en el cielo" o de "creer en hombrecitos verdes", lo que se mueve detrás es algo mucho mas transcendente, conozcamos de que se trata"
Discover the world of real estate – where dreams become investments. Join us for expert insights, market updates, and inspiration to unlock your real estate potential. Take the leap and explore the opportunities that await you in this dynamic industry. Let's embark on a rewarding journey in real estate together.
Canal de difusión del Movimiento Veganista Argentina
469.371.4067 | I work well with everyone SELLER SIGN UP| BUYER SIGN UP | LAKESIDE ESTATES | | MY LISTINGS | | VIDEO | Sell | Buy | Residential & Commercial Real Estate Agent. Let's Jazz things up, selling & buying a home with me will be an easy process whether you're a rookie or a pro. I have the tools, team, network & patience needed to hold your hand on your first purchase/sale, and the Economics degree to help you take over the market. I get things done and I am masterful at negotiating for my clients. I keep things simple & I would love to work with you! Just call, text or email me and we can work together exclusively. I’ll do all the work so you don’t have too. Realtor | Real Estate Agent | Dallas Texas TX, | Frisco, TX | Plano, TX | New Builds in Dallas-Fort Worth Area Celina Princeton Luxury Homes| Homes for Pro Athletes
I help gardeners create sustainable gardens to attract wildlife, support pollinators & increase yield
I regret not joining eXp Realty back in 2015 when I had my guard up and wasn't receptive to others' opinions. Despite being content with my then-current situation, I have now made the switch and created this channel to assist individuals who were once in my position, encouraging them not to wait as long as I did. Furthermore, I aim to aid new agents, seasoned agents, Team Leaders, and Broker Owners in their Real Estate endeavors. Should you have any inquiries regarding Real Estate Sales OR eXp Realty, I am at your disposal to address them directly. If I am unable to do so, I possess the necessary connections to provide you with the information you seek. Please don't hesitate to contact me via my personal phone number at 405-315-7965, and let's work together to ensure your success. Josh Barnett Lic# 153483 with eXp Realty - Office Number: 888-560-3964 ext. 474 🧰 Ready for a new Brokerage and Everything eXp Realty Offers 🧰
Welcome to my gaming channel! I primarily stream, but sometimes I do music and make videos. I focus on Sonic the Hedgehog but I do play other things as well! Check out my Twitch Channel Check out my Youtube Channel Join My Discord Server Find Me On Twitch
This channel is to distribute information that is hard to get elsewhere, usually focused on corruption.
David Adam Simpson has previously worked with and for the CIA and ONI and was a WMD importer operating in Moscow. In 2015 he returned and worked as a combat correspondent for the Donetsk Peoples Republic and Russian media, including News-Front in Crimea.
We tour homes for sell in the Houston area.
game streaming channel of Ardent Pardy
Matthew Serafin is an Oahu Real Estate Agent, a Residential and Relocations specialist with eXp Realty LLC. Serving the Greater Oahu communities. Allow him to sell your home for more in less time utilizing modern marketing strategies or allow him to lock arms with you in pursuit of your new home. CONTACT ME: Call / Text: 808. 725. 3098 Email: 💥 Follow me on Social Media 💥 → Instagram: → Facebook: → LinkedIN:
I love cartoons, I talk about cartoons, I make cartoons. If you love cartoons as well, the stick around and enjoy the show!
No dia 5 de Agosto de 2016, o canal Dicas do Sargento estreou como canal de jogos e foi pioneiro ao trazer dicas de modo livre no GTA Online. O então integrante do comando MORT, Sargento, uniu-se aos apoiadores do canal e tornou-se o principal representante do mais icônico comando de GTA Online do Brasil: O DSGT. Conforme a o trabalho evoluía, comandos como DSGL e SGTE lançavam-se no cenário e, enquanto a comunidade passou a desbravar Los Santos em todas as plataformas, o público ia sendo frequentemente contemplado em lives com sorteios de brindes e super contas. Em 17 de Outubro de 2019, o canal passou por um susto quando ficou bloqueado enquanto aguardava para ser removido injustamente do YouTube. Mas este episódio mostrou a força da comunidade que alcançou cerca de 3k em inscrições em menos de 2 dias em um novo canal. Sigamos avante! Faça parte também desta família e junte-se ao nosso canal: Inscreva-se!
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